Firing Arcs: To enter the firing arcs
for a given battery, type in the abbreviation of each weapon's arc, separated
by commas. For example, "F,F,F" would indicate three weapons firing Forward.
Valid firing arcs are as follows:
Aft (A)
Aft-Extended (AX)
Aft-Left (AL)
Aft-Port (AP)
Aft-Right (AR)
Aft-Starboard (AS)
Forward (F)
Forward-Extended (FX)
Forward-Left (FL)
Forward-Port (FP)
Forward-Right (FR)
Forward-Starboard (FS)
Port (P)
Port Broadside (PB)
Starboard (S)
Starboard Broadside (SB)
Turret (T)
To indicate a bank of weapons, note the number of weapons in the bank after
the firing arc (e.g., "F4").