Very nice! GameTable does do the job though.
When you put them into GameTable, you will need to resize them to fit 1 hex.
(Face Size: 1 Square). Then they will fit nicely!
(sorry I use WinRar, instead of WinZip)
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Logins from the previous forum have been carried over; if you have difficulty logging in, please try resetting your password before contacting us. Attachments did not survive the migration--many apologies, but we're lucky we kept what we could! → Posts by MadCartographer
Very nice! GameTable does do the job though.
When you put them into GameTable, you will need to resize them to fit 1 hex.
(Face Size: 1 Square). Then they will fit nicely!
(sorry I use WinRar, instead of WinZip)
My Kindle DX does the same thing, no pics in the PDF.
Here is the 1st Map. (I hope I did it right).
The pic is not as good as it is on my PC.
(I removed the pic.... it's rather large).
hi all, I'm just learning this game (read have yet to play my 1st game) but I'm in the process of getting a VTT (Virtual Table Top) program called MapTools converted so I can play StarMada via the NET. If you have any pics of ships, I'd be happy to aquire them from you to be put into a zip file.
So far, I have a few maps and some ships (all custom, from sources on the Net). If your intrested in helping or even gaming in MapTools, let me know.
BTW, price for MapTools.... FREE! (nice eh?)
ok, thanks → Posts by MadCartographer
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