(61 replies, posted in Starmada)

One of the downsides to hit/damage being mostly abstracted into one roll is that a huge spinal-mount doom cannon that rolls 40 dice is just as effective at hitting a fly spec squad of fighters as it is at hitting capital ships.

It makes it sort of hard to draw a line between an anti-fighter weapon and an anti-ship weapon.

The way I'm thinking of handling this is to make it so no weapon can target fighters that's over a certain ORAT (Before you add arcs, and with 0 thrust).


(29 replies, posted in Starmada)

The reason is not that you have to count more columns (although it's pointless), the reason is that the chart in my example doesn't go down to 0 or even 1, so what happens when you go off the chart due to the built in high mods.

On the other hand what happens when you go off the chart to the left?


(29 replies, posted in Starmada)

What I do on my SSD is color-code the arc modifiers that are available on a bank, so you never have to count over to figure out where you're starting from on a given arc.

Played my first game with it last night, and it worked quite well.

<IMG src="http://i.imgur.com/nlOVj.png">http://i.imgur.com/nlOVj.png</IMG>


(127 replies, posted in Starmada)

I've noticed the carriers don't seem to work right on the drydock. Adding carrier space has some weird randomy costing. You also can't seem to specify traits for a certain number of fighters, so you can't design carrier that holds intercepters and bombers (for example).


(2 replies, posted in Starmada)

I think it mentions somewhere in the design section to not round till the very end. At that point I'd probably round to the nearest whole number.


(2 replies, posted in Starmada)

Where is this files section you speak of.


(133 replies, posted in Starmada)

SU cost factors into ORAT as well. Ultimately ORAT is likely a better measure, since it takes into account strictly more information (though since ORAT is calculated for the battery as a whole, it is less useful in measuring the expected effectiveness of a single weapon).

What I'm trying to do is figure out if a weapon is like... the gun on top the millenium falcon vs a turbolaser that can only hit capital ships. I'm going to break them down into small/medium/large and apply modifiers for targeting certain sizes (perhaps speeds) of ship.

The problem is I can't use raw ORAT because a weapon with 12 arcs but low damage would be a good weapon for targetting small fast ships, but would have very high ORAT.

I need a good way to factor in arcs that isn't full of holes.

Is it as simple as dividing ORAT by # of arcs? I'm not sure it is, since the weapon could have many arcs but 90% of the firepower in one arc, so treating it as one size would not make that much sense.

Definitely needs more thought.


(133 replies, posted in Starmada)

Would you guys consider the SUs or the ORAT to be the more important when determining how potent a weapon is? All the traits multiply SUs so I'm leaning that way, but am unsure.


(127 replies, posted in Starmada)

Cool. I managed to create it successfully.

I don't know if you wrote the drydock or if you have someone else doing it, but I have a request.

Would it be possible to add the data on the main drydock page like ORAT for the individual weapons, total ORAT, DRAT, etc onto the print page as global javascript variables? I'm writing a userscript to do some customized SSDs on the print page, and it'd be nice if I didn't have to recalculate that stuff from the information on display.

I need to determine if a weapon bank is "small" "medium" or "large", and was going to use the ORAT of the weapons to sort them into the arbitrary groups.

Here's what I have so far:

<IMG src="http://i.imgur.com/0kvhu.png">http://i.imgur.com/0kvhu.png</IMG>


(127 replies, posted in Starmada)

Is there some easy way I'm not thinking of to reverse-engineer designs in the rulebook?

I'm not sure how to convert

FF6,FP4,FS4,AP6,AS6 into the values I need to enter into drydock.


(133 replies, posted in Starmada)

The great thing about the way the stuff works in this edition is a ton of mods can be added in a bolt-on fashion. For example you could shift the shields up or down a column based upon weapon type. You could also shift the weapons dice up\down to create resistance type armor instead of ablative.


(127 replies, posted in Starmada)

I look forward to this game coming online soon

It is online. You can go buy it right now. tongue

I was unsure hot to add any Special Equipment such as Fire Control

Type "Fire Control" in the box. Each piece of equipment should go on a new line (spaces might work too, but I did new line).

The weapon traits are the abbreviations comma separated. They're in the rulebook.


(127 replies, posted in Starmada)

ECM should probably be a select list with 0-5.


(127 replies, posted in Starmada)

Oh I see. Sort of complicated to reverse-engineer an SSD I suppose. smile


(127 replies, posted in Starmada)

I think I found a bug. I'm trying to recreate a ship from the rulebook just to make sure I understand how everything works, and having an issue.

Here's the design and the print display of it:

<IMG src="http://i.imgur.com/GNXEp.jpg">http://i.imgur.com/GNXEp.jpg</IMG>

In the book the Close Defense Cannons are [FF2][PH4][SH4] as I designed it. In the printout they get rejiggered as you can see.

I might be doing something wrong, cause the space remaining is -31, but I don't know what.


(1 replies, posted in Starmada)

I'm using Foxit, and it's not letting me add bookmarks because it's "secured". Is this what the un/pw was for in the email? If so, how do I use it?


(127 replies, posted in Starmada)


Is there any plan to create printable SSDs from this in-house? I don't want to roll my own if you're making one. smile


(127 replies, posted in Starmada)

Hmm. I'm not sure if I'm using this wrong or what, but I've having some problems.

How do I add weapon traits? It's just a text entry box, but typing the name of the trait isn't working.

In the firing arc section of the ship design it has some with multiple arcs on a line, like FP, FS. Does that mean that both together cost 1.33, or that they both cost 1.33.


(127 replies, posted in Starmada)

That's awesome. Thanks. smile


(127 replies, posted in Starmada)

Changed title cause this has become more of a drydock discussion thread.


(46 replies, posted in Starmada)

I prefer the first but like them both.


(46 replies, posted in Starmada)

<IMG src="http://i0.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/005/574/1726009-shut_up_and_take_my_money_super.jpg">http://i0.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/005/574/1726009-shut_up_and_take_my_money_super.jpg</IMG>


(12 replies, posted in Starmada)

Last day of January! We expecting a delay?


(18 replies, posted in Starmada)

I have no idea what an impulse system is, but any of these games can take any movement system with no problems.


(63 replies, posted in Starmada)

I don't know how you're handling a positive PEN versus armor (say a PEN of 5 versus an armor of 2), but in GF it's simply no effect, and not a positive column shift.

Same here. My goal was that high-pen weapons were inefficient if the pen was not needed on the target. I want to encourage certain weapons\ships having strong targeting priorities to get the most damage per cost out of them.

I'm curious how you costed the penetration. I had my mathy friend work out a formula for me but it's got a number of assumptions since I don't really know how the damage of a weapon is costed till the rules come out.