go0gleplex wrote:

it's not abolishing it.  It's an option to shields in the book...allowing you to assign the strength of the shields/screens to each hex facing as you want.   So if you take shields 2, this would give you 12 screen points to assign around the ship allowing you to do 3 forward, along the sides and 1 rear....essentially the same thing as what you're talking modification thereof without needing any additional rules.

Except it doesn't standardize the approach among all ships so it doesn't solve the problem.  If someone is free to take traditional shields (same strength all sides) then you've gained nothing in terms of game play.

go0gleplex wrote:

Simply use screens instead of shields and assign the values accordingly.

I'd rather change the shield rule than abolish it.  My intent was to remove the option of having shields that are as strong in the rear as the front.


(3 replies, posted in Starmada)


I was reading through all the discussions about 30 range weapons and ships, it sounded like, fleeing while bombarding the ships chasing them into oblivion. 

Right now the shield rule doesn't really promote tactical maneuver because there is no advantage to hitting a ship from one direction via another except possible return fire based on weapon arcs.  Simple idea.  Whatever the shield rating it is +1 if receiving fire through the unit's front hex and -1 if receiving fire through the rear hex. (i.e. a ship with a 4 rated shield would be 5 if fired on through the front and 3 if fired on through the rear)  This would be a very simple means of putting the emphasis back on relative positions of ships and maneuver. 

Just as an aside given that the recommended map size is something like 22 x 24 hexes I see no appeal to using ranges beyond 18.  Having said that the above idea still would add a lot.

Alternatively if strengthening the front by one seems to much you could still weaken the rear shield by one or two.  Credit it to propulsion interference with the shield projectors or something on that order.

Experience Starmadians, what do you think?


(67 replies, posted in Starmada)

cricket wrote:

Theoretically, you could house rule it so that flights are launched during the Fighter Phase (but don't move until the next turn), giving ships at least one opportunity to fire at them. But I'm not sure such an adjustment is necessary.

That makes a lot of sense to me.  Feels right (which in sci-fi counts for a lot)...


(67 replies, posted in Starmada)

Yes but essentially if fired within range of their target they strike it with zero chance of ever being shot down enroute...


(67 replies, posted in Starmada)

Does nobody use seekers?  It seems rather unbalancing, at least conceptually...


(67 replies, posted in Starmada)

Do I read the rules correctly that if a fighter or seeker is launched during the game it will be able to attack/strike its target without the target ever having the opportunity to fire on it (provided it is within 10 hexes or whatever movement rate is assigned)?  Somehow that doesn't seem right.


(5 replies, posted in Starmada)



(5 replies, posted in Starmada)

Where is the conversion guide located?


(60 replies, posted in Starmada)

Only Warlock wrote:

Heck, Dan I'm so Excited I just picked up a Fleet box each of Kzinti, Fed and Klingon Ships!

(Yeah, that's right Federation Space Control Ship Vs Klingon C8. It's on now, baby.)

Hurry up and get the papers signed dangit! I needs to spend me money!

Anyone know what happened with this project?


(3 replies, posted in Starmada)

I'm working with ship design and I'm not sure I understand the interplay between "tech range" and "tech level."  The first runs between 1 and 10 and the second between 5 and -5.  Could someone please explain this?  Thanks...

Anyone ever complete a Star Fleet universe for Starmada Admiralty?