(4 replies, posted in Starmada)

Much too kind!!

Is the Brigade ship designs available seperately or do one have to get the entire S.X : Brigade inclusive rules?

Just curious - it's always hard to find out what is what in various set of rules the first time when one doesn't know a thing about them smile

Thanks for the replies!


(4 replies, posted in Starmada)

The MJ site says:

Owners of the  Starmada Compendium and earlier versions of the Starmada X rulebook who don't wish to fork out the cash for  Starmada X: Brigade can get a document updating them to the current rules here:

The description of Starmada X: Brigade says

Note: This product is identical to the Starmada X Rulebook (MJG-0111) with the exception of the background material and starship designs.

So it sounded likely that the update would contain the stuff from Starmada X: Brigade.. might just be me being a dane and all...


(4 replies, posted in Starmada)

I have bought the StarmadaX sometime during last year, and saw that the Update.pdf contained the ship designs for the brigade models. But as far as I can tell the file is identical to the original gamefile MJG-0111.pdf - and there is no Brigade model background or designs in there...

Am I doing something wrong og misunderstanding something??? smile