Well BrotherAdso, already managed to do all that??? great work!!!
And since I also planned to build counters for this, I would love to see your work too....
Your approach is really interesting.
About #3: a single Mon Calamari cruiser is 2000+ points? seems a lot. But I would like a more detailed explanation about the "but smaller ships 'feel' more realistic and managable" part.....
About #2: seems right, since when you are "in character" as a single pilot, or as a common character in any SW movie, you see space battles like that.... but.....
About #1: That is the one that gets my vote. For me, Starmada is a game of big ships, and SW space battles always involve a LOT of BIG ships. You see really big ships with tiny little fighters all around.....(I love the starting space battle from EpIII). And that way, you can always combine several kinds of ships in order to use their special weapons.
Sure fighters are important for tactical reasons (as all SW computer games have showed us), but that is already covered by Starmada rules. So I am willing to see a lot of ships on the table....
Big ships in SW are really slow and do not maneuver very quickly (space battles in Star Trek or Babylon 5 are sooo different....). Does your approach take this into account?