(18 replies, posted in Aces at Dawn)

Please, a last question :
I suppose that a maneuver card "fast turn" or "slow turn" is automatically considered as "forward movement" if the conditions required to turn are not filled. Am I right ?


(18 replies, posted in Aces at Dawn)

Ok , thanks for your quick reply !

Here are my last remarks :

1) We essentially play with miniatures (1/144). So for us the rule is " up to ONE aircraft in a hex".
If an aircraft X should enter a hex already occupied by an another aircraft Z ==>
a) The aircraft X has to return to the hex which X has just left (=1 hex back).
OR, if the option a) is impossible,
b) The aircraft X has to return to his initial hex.

In the two cases, aircraft X change altitude down 1 band.

2) Firing to the rear arc : it should be more difficult to fire at the hex just behind the aircraft. So the houserule si :
if you fire at such an hex, AND if the target is in the same or lower level (altitude level), the target number is increased by 2.

3 ) In playing with miniatures (1/144), we use only 6 altitude bands.


(18 replies, posted in Aces at Dawn)

1) OK this week-end we'll use the manoeuver cards.
This is how we understand the subtleties in "Aces at dawn" :
a) When a pilot chooses his cards in phase 1  "card selection phase" : the choice is made according to the previous enemy maneuvers (and the previous banking !)
b) Now the question is : what is the interest of initiative, because the cards are ALREADY choosen in the previous sub-phase ?
The answer is : when you play after an enemy pilot, you can choose your banking after him.
If he turns to the  left, you turn to the left... If he turns to the right, you turn to the right...
So you can more easily choose your maneuver cards in the next turns.

2) House rule : the +3 on the initiative rolls is only for initiative. NOT for hit.

3) In the subphase "combat" : does initiative play a role ? Or all fire are simultaneous ?

4) Bombing : how many dice ? this is not indicated in the bombers data card .

5) The pdf faq doesn't work...



(18 replies, posted in Aces at Dawn)

1) Ok ! you're wright : "Banking" is interesting because the enemy pilot can see where you want to go in the next turn.
But what is the interest of "180° banking" ? .
So we decided to keep banking, but only "port banking" and "starboard banking" : we keep "banking" only to show where the pilot want to go.

2) The game "Aces at dawn" uses "manoeuver card" and "initiative".  What is the interest to use BOTH ?

Two examples :
a) In the game "Wings of war" : they ONLY use "manoeuver card". If you tail an enemy pilot, he must show his manoeuver card, and you can change your manoeuver card.

b) In the game "Knight in the sky, WW1" (variant from "hunters in the sky, WW2") : they ONLY use "initiative". If you tail an enemy pilot you gain the initiative and you play AFTER him.

So, in our club, we only use initiative (Idlers whom we are, we have NO courage to cut the manoeuver cards...). And if you tail an enemy pilot you have +3 on initiative rolls. Ok the wrong thing is that you get an advantage over ALL planes.
So this is the complete rule : if you tail an enemy pilot you have +3 on initiative rolls, but you can only fire at this enemy pilot. If you don't use the "+3 modifier", you can fire at what you want.

3) About the quirk "decreased turn radius (left)" : can you explain clearly how it WORKS in the GAME ?


(18 replies, posted in Aces at Dawn)

thank you for your quick reply !

Some other remarks :

1) the link about the 'pdf faq" doesn't work.

2) In my wargame club we don't use the "banking rules". For us it si useless complexity. We just want simple rules which allows us to use our magnificent aircrafts from the game "wings of war".

3) About initiative. The plane with the bigger initiative moves AFTER. Am I right ?

4) About tailing. In our wargame club we added this house rule : when an aircraft X is tailing an enemy aircraft Z at the beginning of the subphase "initiative", then this aircraft X receives +3 for initiative dice roll. What do you think of this ?


(18 replies, posted in Aces at Dawn)

hello everybody.
I live in franc, so excuse my english.
I have some questions because i've just bought this game yesterday.

1) What happens when two (or more) planes are in the same hex ? Or is it prohibited ?

2) About the quirk "cannon" : what is the range when you fire with a cannon ?

3) I don't understand the quirk "decreased turn radius (left)" for the sopwith camel. Who can explain this CLEARLY ?.

4) Page 5 of the rules : you must read 5 mp for the second example (and not 4mp) : am I right ?

5) Page 5 of the rules : you must read 3 mp for the third example (and not 4mp) : am I right ?

6) Page 6 of the rules : there is an error about the speed when an aircraft make a dive : "...and may increase speed by 1/2 its maximum speed rating". Am I right ?

7) Page 6 about climb. I don't understand this sentence : "the plane must reduce his speed by 1 for each altitude band changed". What is a SPEED for a plane ?

8) About dive (read on the manoeuver card "dive"). I don't understand this sentence : "the plane may increase speed by 1 for each altitude band changed". What is a SPEED for a plane ?

9) Page 8 of the rules : the target number is 1 + 4 + 1 = 6 (and not 1 + 4 + 2), because the defense rating for a dive is +1 (and not +2) : am I right ?
