(9 replies, posted in Starmada)

OldnGrey wrote:

I did not know that there was a 2D computer game based on Starmada AE being made.

Hello all, 
I'm the developer of the computer game you're talking about.

I began to think about doing a computer version as soon as I finished to read the SAE book, one year ago. I liked the rules very much for their simplicity, clarity and modularity.

Presently the game is yet at an early stage of development. It's a hobby and I work on it alone, so I don't think i can release the first version before the end of 2010.

You can follow the development progress on the blog I maintain, there :http://hegemony.fr/wordpress/ . It hasn't been updated for some times, but I'll put very soon some news and some new screenshots.

The software will be divided into three distrinct parts: the game itself, a fleet editor and a map editor.
Within the fleet editor, basically you can build ships, flights and fleets through a GUI, assign an image for each of them and save fleets as XML files. I'll try to release the fleet editor sooner than 2010/12.

I would really appreciate any feedbacks and opinions from this august assembly.

Stéphane SALMONS