(18 replies, posted in Starmada)

I've used several different movement systems with Starmada builds and combat and I haven't seen any change in the play balance between them, assuming everyone is using the same system. Personally, I plan on using the Fleet Ops order and movement system with the new edition, though a modified Galactic Knights system also works well when you want to invite Newton to the party.


(2 replies, posted in Quantum Legions)

Just to help those considering playing with the command dice:

average 2d6: 7.00
average 3d6 hi 2: 8.46
average 3d6 lo 2: 5.54

Yes, I was bored.  :geek:


(0 replies, posted in Starmada)

Hi all. I participate at Metro Seattle Gamers, a gaming clubhouse in Seattle, WA, and we irregularly play Starmada (and some Federation Commander, if others get a say). We play starship minis an average of once/month, but I'd like to see more regular play. If anyone is interested, let me know. I'll also poke this topic with info on the days we play Starmada.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010, 6:30pm
Starmada: Tuffleyverse
Just converted over the Full Thrust stats for the NAC and NSL, so we're having a bit of a brawl - two heavy task forces with some escorts and fighter support meet, in conflict over a refueling station at Epsilon Eridani b. Everything's provided.

For directions, go to www.dragonflight.org, but give me a ping if you'd like to show up and play.