(3 replies, posted in Quantum Legions)

Yes, I would by counters, order markers and some nice cardboard maps if you make'em


(2 replies, posted in Quantum Legions)

Nice forces, will have to print them out and give them a try.

Nice work.


(16 replies, posted in Quantum Legions)

Nice stuff, now just get to work on some counter images to post.  big_smile


(2 replies, posted in Quantum Legions)

Got to play this a few times yesterday and we had a good time.

After the first 2 games I broke out my Memior 44 map and terrain. The Memoir board is only 13x9 so I changed the set up area to 1 row instead of 3, this way the no-mans land in between is still 7 hexes. All of the extra terrain really helped the infantry units stay alive and get into the fight.

One thing that took a few games to get used to is the range of units. After playing Memoir for years, having units with ranges up to 8 was quite shock.

1 option we tried was a battlefield HQ, for 40 points. With an HQ, you can roll 3 dice and take the highest 2 when rolling for command points. Still tweeking the point cost for this. Stats: 0 movement, 3 steps and armor 4+.


(0 replies, posted in Quantum Legions)

Any chance we could get a page or two of terrain to cut out and use as overlays?



(3 replies, posted in Quantum Legions)

Another minor typo

page 13, right hand column example.
The 3rd sentence of the example where is says " Four dice are rolled ", looks like it should say "Three dice are rolled".

Printing and assembling now, game looks good and will give it a try this weekend.

Nice work.