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This question recently came up in our gaming group and I was wondering how other groups handle it.
Show starship recordsheets be shared prior to the battle?
At this point three options have arisen with noone really willing to budge much.
1 - Share nothing until the system/weapon is used
2 - Share everything
3 - Share everything but special equipment with Spinal Mounts not being considered special equipment.
Please explain how your group handles this and what if any discussions you have had about. Has it changed as players matured away from the book designs?
FlakMagnet wrote:I'm not proposing we ditch Starmada's hex-based movement and range mechanics.
I like the hexes. What I'm proposing is that we playtest a hex-based vector system. IMO it's almost as easy as the hex-based movement points while still giving us the newtonian "feel" of vector movement. Order-writing and their execution would be just as easy to visualize because of the hex-grid.
I think you may have a point about the stutterdrives and/or cloaks, I haven't played with those at all yet.
I tried the cloak and shutterdrive, fun combo btw, and it was hard enough without having to factor in vector movement. I am willing to try it but I have a feeling that it'll take more time then its worth.
FlakMagnet wrote:That's what I've done in the past at a Convention in Ann Arbor, MI.
My gaming group has really latched on to the hex-grid as an aid to speedier play, and that's fine with me. I see their point and understand their preference.
I will try, though, to get them into a compromise where we use the hex-grid AND vector movement using the Max Burn house rules put up by Mr. Drake:
I think if they try 'em, they'll like 'em.
Dude, you just have to give up on the vector movement, we are completely sold on the hex movement. I already spent 40 bucks on the mat for petes sake. As mentioned it speeds the game considerably and that is a big part of Stararmada's appeal. I like that its active and balanced but I also like the fact that we could play large battles without a crippling time commitment.
I am also a little concerned about how much extra difficultly would be added by vector to things like cloaking devices and shutterdrives.
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