This game is really a fantastic game!!! I'm looking to add some equipment for my own storyline which uses Starmada rules. I was looking for is to list the equipment along with the rules. What I'm looking for is someone who has extensive experience in playing the game and designing ships to give me some feedback for what SU the equipment should take up. Of course, feedback from the designer(crickett) will be most welcome!!
#1. Targeting Computer
This special equipment will either add a +1 to the die when rolling to-hit or individually target shields, engines, special equipment, crew,(via life-support) or the hull. In this case, the weapon must still penetrate the shields. However, if it uses this option, then it must forfeit the +1 to the die-roll. Upon successful penetration of the target ships shields, intead of rolling the dice to see which system is affected, the player which owns the ships with the targeting computer chooses which system is affected by that weapons fire. The player must choose prior to firing the weapon which option he chooses, and if a targeting a specific area of the ship option is chosen, then the player must also choose the specific are he wants to affect. I've looked at the TDAR special equipment rules. I was using the TDAR as a guide when it came to SU requirements. Here is my version of what the points costs is:
SU Cost: 13% Offensive Rating: 10 Defensive Rating: x1.5
#2. C3 Computer - Command, Control, Communications
This special equipment is was designed to allow fleet commanders to coordinate activites of its ships throughout the fleet. Each starship which is linked to the C3 network can use the targeting system of any other ship within the network. To make an attack using a C3 computer system, calculate the to-hit number using the range to the target from the nearest starship linked to the network. An attack made using the C3 system may not under any circumstance fire a weapon at a target that is beyond its maximum range. However, a well-placed starship may allow the firing ship to use its weaons short range to-hit number at long range.
This computer comes in two variants: A command node, and a slave node. There can be only one C3 network per side.
Command Node -This node has two functions. This function must be chosen at the beginning of the firing phase as the Commander may use only one function per turn per Command node. One is to provide communication function for the fleet. In this capacity, all ships simply use the system as described above. The other function is the Control function in which the Command starship uses its targeting feature in a manner similiar to a targeting computer 's ability to target specific sytems on an enemy starship. In this manner, the Command starship designates a target, as well as a system the Command starship is targeting. Any other ship in the network that fires on the target ship designated by the Command ship will have its weapons affect the system designated by the Command ship so long as its weapons fire penetrates the shields. In this case, the to-hit number is always be calculated based on the Command ship's range to the target. Furthermore, the Command starship must also fire at the targe that it directs the fire from the slave nodes. Loss or destruction of the command node will collapse the entire network. In addition, if a command ship is within 5 hexes of ship equipped with ECM, then the network is down. However, if that command ship is equipped with EWS, then on roll of 4+ then effects of ECM is negated. There is a field allowance of only one starship with a command node per team. This Command starship may have a max of two Command nodes in order to provide dual functionality per turn. Again, its operating within the same network, as there can be only one network per side.
Slave Node- This node has no command functions at all. It simply allows any starship equippend with a node to connect to the C3 network. As long as the Command node is active, all is may use the targeting system of any other starship connected to the network. It may also target system of the Command starship to target individual systems. The reqirements for this are listed in the Command node section. In addition, if a ship equipped with a slave node is within 5 hexes of ship equipped with ECM, that ships access to the network is down. However, if that slave ship is equipped with EWS, then on roll of 4+ then effects of ECM is negated. There is no field allowance of starships equipped with a slave node per team.
Master Node:
SU Cost: 15% Offensive Rating: 15 Defensive Rating: x1.5
Slave Node:
SU Cost: 5% Offensive Rating: 5 Defensive Rating: x1.5
Weapon Special Ability - Energy drain. Factor = 2.5.
Its purpose is to drain energy. It affects the ships engine, shields, batteries, & special equipment. Whenever the damages comes up as a hull hit, the defending player chooses one of those systems. In the event, thatall those other systems not available, then treat hull hits as crew hits, as the life support systems have been affected. Reason that points cost is so high is that this weapon carries with it the "Ignore Shields" ability.
Stealth fighters: This confers the same range modifier to fighters as the Stealth ability for capital ships. --- Multiplier 1.2
Spinal Mounts: This is the variant similiar to what I saw in BFG. This spinal mount uses the large blast template found in WH or WH40k. Basically the rule is that when a target's shields have been penetrated, a scatter die along with a 1d3 are rolled and move the template the direction and distance rolled. any ship under the hole in the center of the template receives damage equal to the hull of the firing ship, while any ships not in the center of the template receives damage equal to half(rounded up) of the hull of the firing ship. The size of the template used could be based on the hull size. That's also an idea. Like the anime spinal mount, it can only be fired once every other turn.