(1 replies, posted in Starmada)

I'm a little confused again ..   :oops:

If a SHIP with a THRUST of 4 has a SPEED of 4 when performing a "Reverse Course" action does it effectively "spin on the spot" and change facing in the HEX its in ??   :?:

Have I missed the bit somewhere where it says you have to move a minimum of 1HEX before turning again ??   :idea:


(133 replies, posted in Starmada)

OK so in the regular movement rules "sideslips" do not count towards the minimum required move (ie: number of hexes).

Considering that a minimum is only stipulated when moving straight ahead how is it that a thrust in the general direction you were previously pointing, albeit one not directly ahead (ie: a sideslip) counts for nothing ??  Three sideslips in a row still take you a little forward afterall so should it not account in some part for any necessary minimum distance ..   :?:  :?


(133 replies, posted in Starmada)

Well at least that means my understanding of all the various movement systems is complete ..   lol



(133 replies, posted in Starmada)

On page 30:

In the above example, a ship with a current speed of 4 and a thrust rating of 2 is conducting a straight ahead maneuver.  It must move between two and seiz hexes.  The ship moves forward three hexes, and pivots two hexsides (120°) to starboard.  The ship is considered to have moved four hexes, coming in below its maximum move, but its speed is only 3.

Is this a mistake, should it be five hexes following on from this:

Each hexside pivoted counts as an additional hex of forward movement for purposes of determining a ship's maximum move, but is not counted towards ist minimum move.  A pivot is also not included in a ship's speed.

:idea:   :?: