Thank you, sir, because that was exactly my point.  My current gaming situation doesn't allow for floating gameboards, vectored movement, or anything else that might lead to a game longer than three hours (my opponent is married, and has both a toddler and a newborn).  This, again, is why I went to Starmada; I simply don't have 12 hours to engage an aggressor-and no one should feel the game lacking if they don't, either.

I suggest the following reasons as to why one shouldn't fret about movement:

1.)  Scale has no relevance (as in, one hex doesn't equal 10,000km, and one turn doesn't equal one second).

2.)  The game wasn't designed to be realistic; this is why I left SFB/StarFire for it.

3.) It's nicely modular.

4.) It plays very well with SFB/SF counters on a standard black hex-grid map.