(1 replies, posted in Starmada)

Well, not Greek really.

I remember reading that some of the Flotillas in Dreadnoughts came in overweight, like say at 79 S.U. or what have you.

I'm interested in using Flotillas that notch in at larger scales, say effectively a size 1 ship that operates as a Flotilla squadron. There's just so much less book keeping this way (I'm loathe to have a table full of individual ships that are basically inconsequential).

I was planning to house rule them up a little bit to make them slightly more durable and i was also thinking that it's all kind of relative as to how many ships are actually in the Flotilla (maybe it says '4', but there's only two ships and hits just represent damage/downed weapons or what have you).

Any hiccups waiting to ambush me if I do so that I should so? Things i should be aware of that have been overlooked?

I was building them in the shipyard and it seems to be able to handle that.

Thanks! big_smile


(20 replies, posted in Starmada)

Hey, this is a very good discussion on creating good and exciting games through limiting ship types. I whole heatedly support that.

I was just mentioning before about how the modern world, and even relatively recent European history is not the only example for how governments and navies would organize themselves. I also think that stellar powers would look on their navies more as traditional states have looked on their armies; Which is to say not as a luxury for protecting distant interests but as the bedrock of survival. Of course that all depends on how dangerous the setting is.

Personally, I'm always drawn to the settings that are more modeled on feudalism or a fading/broken empire myself with an endless shroud of threat overhanging all governments and the idea of disarmament being fodder for the court jester lol

Anyway, all that is peripheral to the main point of this thread, so don't mind any of it and the last thing I want to do is get this side tracked. It's not a matter of debate or being 'right', it's just about what kind of source material we like to draw from.

Ok, next time I'll try and work in a coherent post that deals with the main issue of this thread.


(20 replies, posted in Starmada)

Well, of  course not every stellar power is going to be some Keynesian democracy with well fed bureaucrats codling pet projects with soft hands.

No sir, in some stellar empires there's one big head man, he wears gauntlets and his pet project IS the military :twisted:

And when those guys are around, it affects everyone's perspective.

I always like to look at much earlier Europe as a model for space opera ideas, the modern model is not the only one that exists and really is something of a historical anomaly.


(13 replies, posted in Starmada)

Well fair enough, that was what I had originally planned actually with the screens. The screens were a bit expensive though and my ship designs seemed to be coming up short defensively unless I threw in some 'bonus/free' screens.

Having not opened a spreadsheet in front of me now, I'm thinking maybe 12 screens is comparable in cost to a shield level of '3' (I'm going off memory here, the likelihood is that this is wrong), but with six sides, that would be 18 versus 12. My feeling is that most ships I have worked out are rather heavy on the offense already.

But I figured we wouldn't need to adjust point values if all ships were affected the same. Although maybe I am overlooking something in regards to this that more math savvy individuals might be perceiving (is it going to throw things off in regards to big and small ships for example?)

Well, as long as I'm not overlooking something it seems the end results are pretty similar.

Anyway, the basic hypothesis is weaker shields in the rear and relatively limited ranges on weapons (and throw in limited fire arcs too) should make for a more interesting game of maneuver. Some very minor house rules and then self imposed limitations on ship design should do the trick nicely I think.

Well, either that or muck things up tongue

But I'm open to any suggestions on how to achieve that  big_smile


(13 replies, posted in Starmada)

First, i don't think we should be removing options or altering the core game. I think were looking at an optional rule.

But I don't think it's as simple as just using screens. Those are totally different: they require more book keeping and allow you to concentrate your defenses.

But, the idea mentioned here means that you'll still have fixed shields, they're just not uniform.

I think it's nice and simple

Blanket optional rule affecting all ships on the table:

All rear shields are -1 to defense
Flanking rear shields are -1 and center rear shield is -2

No cost deductions or anything.


(13 replies, posted in Starmada)

As an inexperienced stadamaian'ian, I was definitely planning on using those exact mechanisms for my games: no weapons over range 18 (in fact none of my ship designs are over 15 as yet) and then weak shields to the rear.

Though the idea of weakening the rear without strengthening the front is better, I hadn't yet put that one together just yet :roll:

This way there would still be a reason for ships to get shields at level 5. Hmmm, yes, better plan.

This is probably the kind of thing that should just be house ruled, certainly in regards to the weapons. With the shields, there might be said for something to an official blanket optional rule for all ships on the board.

Yeah, hearing about those range 30 weapons on this board makes me wince too.


(67 replies, posted in Starmada)

Well, in the case of the fighter there will be retaliatory fire at least.

I agree that as I understand the seekers, they seem rather brutal in that regard.


(10 replies, posted in Starmada)

I can see that extra range on fighters is dangerous.

But having sixteen separate printouts for minuscule escorts with CRAT's of about 15-20 (per side!), and then issuing independent orders to each of these, would have been much worse as it would have sucked all the fun from the game in record keeping tedium.

I was of course counting on my own fleet/scenario design to keep things balanced.

Anyway, that's all moot as the flotilla rules are a better solution. I may well tweak it a bit though (like that suggestion that ROF establishes the maximum number of hits listed under that dread Bat-Rep)


(10 replies, posted in Starmada)

This is indeed a tangled web that has snagged me here! sad


(10 replies, posted in Starmada)

Oh, for cryin' out loud, I broke down and bought the Dreadnought rules thanks to your 'hard sell' tactics! :wink:

I hope your happy now!


(10 replies, posted in Starmada)

Well, I have poked around at any reference to the Flotilla rule and what little I have been able to infer does seem to do what I am looking for.

Ok, maybe I will have to get Dreadnoughts then.

It would be great for your business if every query like this led to a sale, no?



(10 replies, posted in Starmada)


I have recently purchased Starmada: AE and am absolutely enthralled with the system and particularly the ship construction system, which basically, when embodied in the form of those ship builder spreadsheets, is an addictive and destructive force in my life  :wink:

Having said that, I have a specific question.

Can anyone suggest an informal mechanism/cost formula for allowing 'fighters' to have increased range on their attacks?

The reason I ask is because I have my eye on those tiny little Star Blazers escorts. These things are ludicrously tiny little models and I plugged in some stats for them as 'corvettes' or what have you at size level one. I then realized that with a Combat rating of 16 or so, I was much better off making them as fighters (a lot less paper around for one thing)

I think they will work great like this, but the thing is they should be able to shoot farther than point blank range (I think a weapon range of '3' sounds good).

I realize this could break the system if implemented formally, but i am confident I can do so while facilitating a good balanced game.

Thanks much for suffering my long wind'edness!   8)