Topic: Movement Rules Clarification for P+S or S+P

Would someone please give me a clarification on how to calculate the thrust requirements for a movement order with a P+S or S+P, specifically define "movement between turns".  I can't quite figure out what is meant by that as my various calculations don't fit with the examples provided.

Re: Movement Rules Clarification for P+S or S+P

AFAIK, the 'movement between turn' is the number of hexes moved betwen those two turns. For example: 3P2S1. The movement between turns would be those 2 hexes between P and S.


Re: Movement Rules Clarification for P+S or S+P

Thank you very much!  I was taking it to mean movement between game turns or rounds.  That helps greatly smile

Re: Movement Rules Clarification for P+S or S+P

Sorry to do some threat necromancy here, but has there been a clarification on making two turns in the same direktion and making a u-turn altogether? Presently they are identical although a u-turn enables for an extra facing change.

Or is this intentional?

Re: Movement Rules Clarification for P+S or S+P

Lone Gunman wrote:

Or is this intentional?

This is intentional.

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games