Topic: Option in Lieu of Initiative

Spitballing this idea since several folks have made mention about their dislike of the I go you go initiative roll or writing out orders. 

Have a numbered chit (shudders...yeah I said chit) for each unit controlled by a player.  At the beginning of the turn, the player distributes one chit per unit, placing them upside down next to the unit...and then the units all move in the order revealed after both players flip their chits over.  Units within range of a C3 system may elect to skip their order and move last.

So essentially you are pre-assigning the actions of your units rather than roll a dice and then alternate movement.  This should speed things up per turn....and I realize this may not be an original idea either...but I've not ever used anything like it, so it's new to me. wink


Re: Option in Lieu of Initiative

Another idea is assign a playing card to each unit (or have one side be black and the other red).  Shuffle and pull a card.  That unit (or team) moves a single element.  Rinse and repeat.


Re: Option in Lieu of Initiative

It can be adaptable that way as well.  That's the beauty of being customizable.