Topic: New player with a question about Cold Navy ships

Hello all, I am new to the forum having recently bought the rules after being inspired by the Cold Navy ships.

Cold Navy's models each come with a Starmada record card. For practice with the Ship Construction Spreadsheet I typed in a few of the ships, just to get the feel of how things work.

I've tried three ships and each of them has given me a big negative number of SU left after finishing construction.

Has anyone else found this? Is it a mistake in the Cold Navy construction or, more probably, a mistake I've made keying in the numbers?

Thanks in advance...

Re: New player with a question about Cold Navy ships

It's probably a problem with tech levels.  There was a fix to the sxca that displayed tech levels on the output sheet, but I think those changes got lost at one point of another.

The thing about tech levels is that they don't change the point values of the ships, just that you can cram more suff into the ship and because of that, you get a higher overall coombat rating.

Mike can tell us better what the tech levels are for the ships.

Looks like we definately need those tech level changes put into the output sheet for the ship generator.

And for those who play the starmada Victory by Any Means, that sxca needs the fix as well.

Wow, maybe we need a sourceforge project to keep track of all of this.

Re: New player with a question about Cold Navy ships

I tried pasting in Tech Level 1 for the engine, shields, etc. It makes a big difference but it doesn't make all the ships legal. There may be tech level adjustments to some of the Special Equipment. I will try some more ships tomorrow and see what I find.

Re: New player with a question about Cold Navy ships

A while back Mike Hardy posted the Cold Navy construction guide for Starmada.  Check the second post in the following topic.

They may still not match up entirely correct since the SXCA has been continuously tweaked over time, but it will be a good start.


Re: New player with a question about Cold Navy ships

Nice one! Thank you. I will look at this with great interest.

Re: New player with a question about Cold Navy ships

It looks like this document from Cold Navy will solve the problem. The Cold Navy ships have been designed with varying tech levels depending on their navy and year of production. If I fill in the correct tech levels in the spreadsheet it ought to solve the problem.

Thanks to everyone for your help.