Topic: Fighters starting on carriers

Hi all.  I'm new to Starmada and wanted to say how amazing I think it is. 

We haven't had a chance to play yet, but I just wanted to ask a question concerning fighters and carriers.

I noticed the default was that all fighters (except strikers and seekers) started already launched at the beginning of the game.  I was wondering what the logic was behind this decision?  It seems to make certain other options redundant (i.e. launch rate, launch tubes, independent fighters).  Do you see any issues if our group played such that fighters (except independents) had to start the game onboard the carriers?


Re: Fighters starting on carriers

Marauder wrote:

I noticed the default was that all fighters (except strikers and seekers) started already launched at the beginning of the game.

Yes, according to basic rules. But using F4 rules, fighters begin play on their carriers.
Now, it depends on the level of difficulty you want to use, but beginning with fighters on board carriers is not really a problem.


Re: Fighters starting on carriers

How I understand it is that the Launch & Recovery, and independent fighter rules are both optional.

If you use those rules, then fighters will not start on the board. If you don't use them then they will start on the board, as a carrier without a launch limit could launch them all in 1 turn anyways.

If you are playing with Seekers or Strikers, you have to Launch & recovery.

When playing without launch & recovery rules, I think of having the fighters on the board at the start of the game some what like a Combat Air Patrol, or that they are all on a higher level of readiness due to being in a war-zone.

Re: Fighters starting on carriers

Thanks for the replies guys.  We definitely want to use Strikers/Seekers and Independent Fighters, so I guess we'll be using optional rule F.4 for sure!


Re: Fighters starting on carriers

Just one note about that; it makes carriers much more attractive targets in the early game before they get to launch everything, especially if you also play with Critical Damage from the Annex (Iron Stars originally, I think).  Had one game where an Eldar carrier had its flight decks crippled by a turn 1 nova cannon shot before it could launch anything, which pretty much won the battle for the opposing force.

Re: Fighters starting on carriers

Thanks Nomad, I'll keep that in mind.  We're not going to use critical damage to start, but we'll consider that if we do start to use it.

Re: Fighters starting on carriers

While we're on the subject of fighters, another question came up.

Can you use Combat Interception to initiate a dog fight?

Re: Fighters starting on carriers

Yep.  So saith Cricket here (CAP being short for Combat Air Patrol):

Re: Fighters starting on carriers

Great, thanks for the quick reply!