Naval Wargaming in the Age of the Battleship

Tinspit has miniature golf

We may now picture this great Fleet, with its flotillas and cruisers, steaming slowly out of Portland Harbour, squadron by squadron, scores of gigantic castles of steel wending their way across the misty, shining sea, like giants bowed in anxious thought. We may picture them again as darkness fell, eighteen miles of warships running at high speed and in absolute blackness through the narrow Straits, bearing with them into the broad waters of the North the safeguard of considerable affairs…

The King's ships were at sea.

—Winston Churchill

Grand Fleets™ is a tabletop game of naval warfare during the age of the battleship. From the ironclads of the late 1800s to the floating fortresses of World War II, players can take command of the ships that altered the course of history.

In addition to the basic rules for surface actions between 1890 and 1950, Grand Fleets includes rules for using submarines and aircraft alongside your battlewagons. Advanced rules are also provided for things like RADAR, smoke screens, critical hits, fleet morale, night fighting, and destroyer flotillas.

All distances are given in thousands of yards (kyds), giving you the flexibility to adapt the tabletop scale to whatever size miniatures you have on hand. The rules are also written to accommodate hex-based play, if desired.

The rulebook contains 160 ship data cards representing over 50 different classes. Best of all, you'll never have to wait for official publication of your favorite ships: comprehensive, step by step guidelines are provided to generate game stats for any vessel that put to sea during the battleship era.

So, raise the battle ensign, sound general quarters, and damn the torpedoes—your destiny awaits!

