Starmada: Dreadnoughts

…it is still a foolish thing

The declaration of war by Great Britain on 4 August converted the conflict into one unlike any other that had been waged since Napoleon was sent to St. Helena in 1815; and sea-power was once more revealed to a somewhat purblind world. There had, indeed, been wars in which navies had been engaged, and Japan in 1904 had exhibited the latest model of a naval battle. But Japan only commanded the sea in Far Eastern waters; and the wars in which Great Britain herself was engaged since 1815 had displayed her command in limited spheres and at the expense of enemies who had no pretensions to be her naval rivals. But in 1914 the second navy in the world seemed by the conduct of Germany to challenge the first, and for nearly four and a half years there were hopes and fears of a titanic contest for the command of the sea.

—A.F. Pollard, A Short History of the Great War (1920)

Dreadnoughts is a setting book for Starmada: The Admiralty Edition™ that brings to life the epic sweep of naval combat during the First World War.

To many people, the Great War conjures images of mud-soaked trenches and land-locked armies joined in a futile embrace across no-man's land. But navies were just as important to victory (if not more so); and it was on the seas that the conflict truly became a World War. From the North Sea to the Mediterranean, from the Black Sea to the South Pacific, battles raged across the globe.

So, go ahead: swap your energy shields for armor plating and the blackness of space for the wine-dark sea, and see if you have what it takes to rule the waves!

In addition to data cards for one hundred ship classes from eight different navies of the early twentieth century, Dreadnoughts adds brand-new options to the Starmada game, including flotillas, wet-navy style movement, and dual-mode fighter flights, which can be used individually or collectively to enrich any setting. Also included are six historical scenarios, allowing players to re-fight various naval actions of the Great War.

Dreadnoughts is not a stand-alone product; ownership of the Starmada Core Rulebook is required.