Starmada: Full Thrust

Where are we going to find a duck and a hose at this hour?

Starmada: Full Thrust is a supplement for the Universal Game of Starship Combat providing background and ship designs for four separate factions, each taken from Ground Zero Games' excellent line of Full Thrust miniatures. Over 75 individual ship classes are covered, from tiny corvettes to massive superdreadnoughts!

This book includes all of the optional rules, weapons, and systems needed to replicate space combat in the Full Thrust universe. In addition, players may choose from two alternate movement systems to create the type of game they want to play.

Finally, simplified construction rules are provided which will allow you to build your own starships to face off against those already in the book. Best of all, the ship designs within these pages are fully compatible with—and balanced against—ships from other Starmada settings without any further modification or adjustment.

So what are you waiting for? Assemble your fleet, grab an opponent, and rule the stars!

In order to play Starmada: Full Thrust, at a minimum you will need the free demo rules. A copy of the the Starmada Unity Rulebook would be better, as it adds a number of additional options to the game. However, owning that product is not required.