(0 replies, posted in Starmada)

I've had a couple of free minutes to add a bit to the FAQ, and, I guess the recent spate of new questions warranted it.

have fun!



(7 replies, posted in Starmada)

Don't forget both GZG and Brigade Games subtract VAT...

Both excellent merchants with excellent custmer service.

And that's what it's all about, no?


(7 replies, posted in Starmada)

If you're considering Ground Zero Games, they've already packed your order and are waiting to ship.

Or, at least it seems that way because it seems that there's some sort of wormhole between GZG and the US.



(20 replies, posted in Starmada)

on p 33 of the Brigade book it says

"If a player chooses to lose troops as a result of a special equipment hit"



(4 replies, posted in For the Masses)

Then I apologize for opening up an old wound.

I must now subject myself to self-flagellation (not flatulation) in penance for my crimes.


(4 replies, posted in For the Masses)

why are you Wes, the humbled?  :?


(150 replies, posted in Wardogs)

Jim, the most current files are on page 8 and 9 of this thread. Thanks for the sticky! *mmmm...peanut butter*

did I miss something?  I got them from 8 and 9 smile


(5 replies, posted in Discussion)

Goin on 24hours now.

Hope I'm sane to play Volley Ball at the church tomorrow.

(I don't even usually GO to church and now I'm playing Volley Ball there?)


(5 replies, posted in Discussion)

For absolutely no reason, I woke up a 1am.

I am, apparently, unable to sleep.

Hebatude is the word of the day for Jan 24, 2004.


(150 replies, posted in Wardogs)

Yikes! that was some big map, here's the zip file smile


(150 replies, posted in Wardogs)

cricket wrote:
Justin Crough wrote:

This is how Assault Corps started out...before it even had a name.

cricket wrote:

The latter . . . did manage to show up in For the Masses and Iron Stars. The former, to my knowledge, has never been used anywhere...

and a damn fine mechanic that is smile

cricket wrote:

So far, no one has got back to me with a single playtest example since the latest update late summer.

Should I mention how many of MJ12's games were playtested to any significant degree by anyone outside the designer and his immediate circle?

No, Dan, you can't smile

And, JP, welcome to "Club-I-can't-get-anyone-to-playtest-my-damn-game-no-matter-what-I-offer-them"

Take it to conventions and grab anyone who'll play.  That's one way to do it. that adds a year to the development cycle, but you get a better game out of it.

Seriously, I have interest in AC, it's just a time factor.  I'd love to put in my opinions, but I can't, given that I've only read the rules and I don't have the required minis. I will fix that though, now that I can stop thinking about World War One :wink:



(7 replies, posted in Starmada)

Actually, I Dl'd the latest (2.0 Version) and it seems to work pretty well, excpet the box font on the ship page is just wierd looking boxes


(2 replies, posted in Aces at Dawn)


As promised, sorry it took so long.


(0 replies, posted in Aces at Dawn)

Yay Rockford!

I really liked the venue, including the occassional rambunctious young soccer player hurtling themselves through the con.

The con staff were all friendly and cool and promoted fairness and civility throughout the convention.  Well done rockford!

I was slightly anxious when I opened up the maps and laid out the planes for the first game on friday night.  My goal was to get the opinion of a couple of historical gamers and slowly break into the genre.

What a reception!  I must have had 20 guys all ask me about the game and look at the planes and maps and all.  I was completely overwhelmed by the reception. I haven't had a con like this in years. Wonderful!

I got to meet Karl from the last square and found some really cool seige engines to use with For the Masses.

And, finally, I'd just like to thank the fine people at the convention center for the two-dollar Guiness pints! I'd also like to thank whoever orders the kegs because they ran out of the two-dollar Guiness. wink

I have pictures from a couple of the games and as soon as I can get them wrung out of the camera, I'll get them posted for all to see.


(11 replies, posted in Aces at Dawn)

I will do that. Do you know where I can get more academy models?

The academy models fit my bill perfectly, they are cheap, easy to assemble and quick to paint.  Do you know where I can get some different ones?

One Bad thing though, the decals on the Sopwith Camels got messed up by the spray sealent I used.  The DVII and DRI are fine, just the camels. and pretty much just the Blue on the decals.


I may have to re=paint them or maybe I'll just leave it, I dunno.


(11 replies, posted in Aces at Dawn)

zouave7 wrote:

There are actually a surprising number of kits in "1/72" with just a few inconvenient holes (particlarly the Fe2)...

If you are still looking for 1/72 kits let me know and I can point you to some of the manufacturers...

Also Rosemont Hobby (can be found on the web by searching) is knowledgable and involved in 1/72 scale WWI aircraft kits and conversions.

I went out to the rosemont hobby site http://www.swiftsite.com/rosemonthobby/ and there's a bunch of stuff there. Additionally, The Academy models are a great bang for your buck, the sopwith camel and Fokker DVII were both around $3.00 and the DR.I was olny 5-ish from hobbylinc.com

they don't have any other kits, but I liked the camel cause it was easy to put together.


So go look and see how neat the planes look all dolled up in red and green smile


(2 replies, posted in Miniatures)

I've not ordered the bio aliens from Andred (who is a member here, I think)

But the BSG ships I bought were nicer then the pictures let on.  Very crisply cast and good lines. I got them for Noel so i can't say much more than that.

The whitestars I bought had some very minor casting issues, but overall are a 6/10.



(1 replies, posted in Starmada)

Dunno why there's no "The Miniatures Page" announcement, but the cold navy store is open again!


Looks like I better buy me some mauridians before the general public gets to them and breaks open all the packs smile



(15 replies, posted in Discussion)

what pond, lake michigan?

tee hee

Go 2006 cubbies!


(5 replies, posted in Aces at Dawn)

I have not tried with more than a half-dozen planes.

Let me know how it works for you smile


(5 replies, posted in Aces at Dawn)

No, they don't need to be as they are never shuffled


(5 replies, posted in Aces at Dawn)

They look great too!



(18 replies, posted in Iron Stars)

Yup, Dan just playtested with me, and helped immensely with the rules, but I'll happily take all the credit

big_smile big_smile  big_smile


(18 replies, posted in Iron Stars)

well, funny you should say that as the Aces rules started as the fighter combat system for IS in my mind, Dan had a completely different idea, which is cool smile

Anyway, if you have house rules to glue it all together, I'd love to see them.

AND, you can play Aces with just the demo rules, of course, it's a Majestic Twelve Game after all smile