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I don't have an I-pad but do have an android tablet. I have done some work on a different set of rules. Impetus a Historical Ancients set. I setup an interactive QR sheet in html have a look at that, it may give you guys some ideas.
What I'm currently thinking about is some form of interactive fleet list for SFO which you check of the hull boxes. Probably using Adobe forms or some such.
If you produce a full blown app for the I-Pad then you are limiting its appeal and need to make a significant commitment to getting Apples approval to put it on the Apps store, but if you do HTML or Forms based stuff more people can use it and you do not need to jump through any of Apples loops.
Lots of B5wars stuff here
I to am looking at converting B5wars but in my case for SFO. I am currently working on the weapons but have thought a bit of how to do the hulls. My initial thought was to just allocate a standard number of hull boxes for capital/medium/light ships and then adjust case by case to match the SU usage.
But to do it your way if 4 is too many and 2 too few why don't you divide by 3?
Alternatively don't average the side boxes but divide the total by say 25.
The Sharlin becomes (96+96+70+70+80)/25 = 3.84+3.84+2.8+2.8+3.2 = 16.48 = 16
Demos becomes (30+46+5)/25 = 1.2+1.84+2= 5.04 = 5
White star 48/25=1.92 = 2
Of course you need to fit the weapons etc. in those hull sizes?
The drake notation is defined in the The Bourbaki Basin (Admiralty) section of the forum.
Mike P.
bought them .... Read Them .... LIKED THEM.
Well almost, hoped the command rules would have a bit more meat. Perhaps a modifier for size of fleet? Other than that I like them a lot I will try them this weekend!! I will think about a house rule to reflect the size of fleet commanded compared to the Command Rating.
Mike P.
may I join my vote to the ones above .... EVERYTHING!!!!
On a more practical level I personally would favor a Hydran/Lyran volume. As the Hydrans must have fighters that would allow carriers for the rest, making every one happy. Mind you, if the Hydrans must have fighters just like Tholians must have web, perhaps you'll just publish Hydrans with non-fighter ships :cry:
I am using the ship builder spreadsheet from the FILES section and the points are close. If fact Cricket has explained most of the differences. But how do you workout the hull engine and shields for any new ships you might want to add from SFU?
If you want to create a 'true' starmada version of the SFU you are right, the SU are way off, but so are the KLA and RMA ships. KLA and RMA are a conversion of an existing system(pocket universe) and the method I have suggested is to allow the addition and sharing, with some consistency, of the odd favorite ship/race before they are published, not to re-invent it.
Whether the design choices made in converting SFU to KLA and RMA are the ones we would have made, is I think another thread (which I would be quite happy to join). My goal here is to allow the creation of ships which can play happily with the KLA/RMA ones.
Mike P.
I've been thinking (if you were wondering what that funny noise was) about this and have a few observations.
1 Players all want to have their favorite ship/race NOW.
2 Mj12games and Amarillo need to sell us stuff. So they are not going to let us have the internal calculations.
This leaves us players with three options
1. Reverse engineer the calculations if we can (which harms Mj12games and Amarillo)
2. Create our own 'correct' ships using starmada build rules (which apart form agreed weapon types puts us back to before KLA and RMA were produced.
3. Unlike Dan we can 'fudge' it, I have looked at the designs already produced and suggest that we use the following 'fudge' to produce provisional designs. I have tried a few and they seem to be close to official ships and it would give us a common design philosophy to share ship designs until Official designs are created, that have not been fudged .
So here goes.
Shields: (Total of each facet /10 )rounded up
Hull: (Total of Armour and hull boxes)*2/3 rounded up
Military Engines
1 -4 = 7
5-6 = 6
7-14 = 5
15-20 = 4
25+ = 3
Adjust engine factor by
+1 if Klingon hull 10 or less or New or War designs
-1 if Kzinti hull 10 or less
I think Gorn may need a +1 engine and possibly Hydran -1 but have not done the 'research' yet.
To calculate Civilian engines
(Hull+10% Cargo) Engine
1-3 = 10
4-5 = 7
6-7 = 6
8-9 = 5
10-11 = 4
12-13 = 3
14-15 = 2
16-17 = 1
This method was developed for Starship Captain so someone will need to convert again to FC. It also does not produce 'legal' ships but as we are converting not designing this can be ignored as in KLA/RMA. The designs of existing KLA and RMA ships that I have done come out with a Combat Rating within 10% of official KLA/RMA stats.
Mike P.
Yea I think you are right about re-converting Erik. As I host the games this shouldn't cause a problem with somebody turning up with 'official' ships.
As far as FC conversions, I stopped playing SFU about 15 years ago, just after I finally realized I would never be able to play fleet actions (Yea I know they are not meant for that), and went of to do other stuff. So I don't have the latest versions like FC. Having KA/RA might just get me back into SFU but then I do a lot of historical wargaming now and locally there are only have 24 hrs in the day .
Mike P.
Hi guys,
I've been messing with starmada for some time but just today I received my copies of Klingon and Romulan Armada. I have noticed the discussions about converting the 'minor races' and with a view to creating my own ship conversions, I tested the Federation CA and Klingon D7. While the shields seemed straight forward, the results for hull and engines don't seem to match up with the books. In Starmada the KA/RA hulls are too small to hold all the equipment CA = 10 and D7 = 9. I could see the 'generic' starmada construction could be ignored for a more direct conversion, but the hulls do not seem to match those in Starfleet Battles either, CA = 16 D7=11. Also within Star Fleet battles the CA and D7 have similar speeds/power but different speeds in KA/RA. It could be I'm using out-of date SFU stuff, some of it is 25 years old (does anyone remember the zip-log bag from Taskforce games?)
Is there a recognized conversion from SFU to starmada? I want to get into Hydran hellbores and Lyran ESGs etc. not worry about hull sizes
Mike P.
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