(127 replies, posted in Starmada)

I am liking the drydock quite a bit... one question though... when I go over in SUs, it gives me a minus sign and its in red, I get that... today it gave me a minus sign, but the value was "0"... so this is a legal build, right? I can't be over 0 points?


(3 replies, posted in Starmada)

thanks for the prompt reply!


(2 replies, posted in Starmada)

I think I understand... Are modifiers to fighter attack dice on a per-flight basis? that is, if I have 3 flights of fighters attacking a ship with ECM 1, would each flight get 2 attack dice instead of 3 ?

Also, I'm not clear on the "alternative means of determining fighter attack dice" I am requesting a "walk-through" of this mechanic please!


(2 replies, posted in Starmada)

Hello again, 

Need help with the "alternative means of determining fighter attack dice" table... can someone explain this to me ?    I don't understand how the attack dice per flight would be worked out


(3 replies, posted in Starmada)

New guy here, just got Starmada Nova, and I already have a question:

If my weapon does double damage, and I score 2 hits, would the target make 2 shield saving rolls and each failed save is then doubled, or, do my 2 hits become 4 hits and the target makes 4 shield saving rolls ?