(3 replies, posted in Starmada Unity)

I have tinkered with a bit in the past.  Give me a couple of days and I will see if I can find any of my old notes.


(4 replies, posted in Starmada)

Busy working from home and playing short boardgames and card games with the family in the evenings


(46 replies, posted in News)

Trying to use the Drydock to make Starfleet ships and having trouble with a few items:
Stingers - can't quite guess what the stats should be for them - added them in to the spreadsheet with lines similar to the shuttle so they can be checked off, but can't seem to get the ORAT and DRAT correct to make the costs come out at least close, also not sure on space
Best guess so far was space 12, ORAT 75, and DRAT 5 but Ranger is definitely too cheap this way and if I bump it up the bigger ships get way too expensive
Expanding Sphere Generator - no idea at all how to stat this one out in the System
Web Generator - not sure what the equipment factors should be
Shield Cracker/Web Breaker - don't know what the modifier on a wpn would be for ShK trait and not even sure what Trait (or modifier) to use for Web Breaker mode.
Decided to ignore anything to do with PP costs and engine to PP conversion as far as affecting how to build Starfleet ships, since I can get most ships to come out close enough on CRAT values anyway.
Anyone have any ideas on what the "missing" costs should be?

Well it is nice that there is spreadsheet available to help with the design.
I was hoping to be able to create some simple designs with just paper and pencil as I don't always have a PC handy.

I do have a question about rounding and the trait multipliers.  Do you round to two decimal places (unless specifically noted otherwise) or do you keep all of them or truncate?  Most of the examples show two decimal places.  Also do you multiply the trait multipliers together?

Also is there a spreadsheet for the Nova edition?  I found one for the Admiralty addition and an online ship builder for the Nova addition but no spreadsheet. <edit> (I found the spreadsheet just after I posted this)

Officially the rules state there is no upper hull limit, but what is the largest hull that is practical to use in play?

Thanks in advance for considering my questions.

I just bought the Nova Edition and the rules were living up to their billing as simple but not simplistic until I got to the construction rules.  Its been a long time since I saw construction rules for any game with them that had math that complicated.  Logs, square roots, YIKES.  I was thinking this might be the system I use for when I want to be able to have empires clash and be able to handle large battles easily, but the construction system is making me rethink that decision and had I known it was that complex I might not have purchased the system.
Please consider revising the system.  Its all well and good that you have an online tool for building ships but in a system that prides itself on being simple to learn you shouldn't need a scientific calculator or an online tool to build new ship designs.