I think you're looking for the "Babylon 5 Wars Vault". A quick google should get you there. smile


(4 replies, posted in Starmada)

mj12games wrote:

Due to the nature of our agreement with ADB, we can't allow players to build their own Star Fleet SSDs. Sorry.

Just to clarify - does that mean I shouldn't have posted that Google Sheet a couple of months back (it technically allows people to make their own SFU ships from existing material, as long as they have access to the source material - it does the calculations for hull, engines, etc., but doesn't cover weapons and arcs)?

Or does that just mean that we can't post a copy of DryDock modified to make SFU ships?


(1 replies, posted in Starmada)

So, I've come across an interesting weapon concept, but unsure as to how (or if) I can make it into Starmada terms. It's a 3-turn seeker that starts off weak, peaks in strength at mid range/turn, and then ends weak. What I want it to display is:

MA 8 ROF 3, ACC 2+, IMP 1, DMG 1
MA 8 ROF 2, ACC 2+, IMP 1, DMG 4
MA 8 ROF 1, ACC 2+, IMP 1, DMG 2
Skr, Slw, Evp

Is this possible given the rules, or would I be better off making it as a direct-fire weapon? Every time I try putting it into the Shipyard it just alternates between crying and mocking me.


(2 replies, posted in Starmada)

Here it is, I hope. (First time using Google Sheets to post.)

Link Redacted Pending Clarification

For my next trick, I'm going to look at tackling the Early Years line (though those will likely require some extra work as a lot of them are rather power-starved if I recall) and X-Ships (which are really the opposite of the Early Years power wise, again IIRC).

So, I resurrected a long dead and rotting project: converting my wealth of Starfleet Battles [SFB] (not Federation Commander [FC]) material to the Starmada rules. I had to do some real number sorcery after I discovered that the FC stuff that our Glorious Leader <tips hat to Daniel> was using/given as source material is rather different in places compared to stock SFB.

To that end, in the interim while we wait for rules for the ISC, Andromedans, and Vuldar, I've come up with rules for consideration for their weapons:

ISC Plasmatic Pulsar Device (fitted in C.3 Multi-Weapon Mounts of 4, and uses the Hydran Hellbore 'IMP' rules) *-10-15 
1x4+/2/1 (Bls, Slw)

Vuldar Ion Cannon is basically the same as a Photon Torpedo

Andromedan TRL 5-10-15  1x4+/1/1 (Slw)
Andromedan TRL 5-10-15  1x4+/1/2 (Slw)

And for good measure, the Jindarian Warp-Augmented Rail Guns
Warp-Augmented Railgun 5-10-15  1x3+/1/4
Light Warp-Augmented Railgun 2-4-6 1x3+/1/2

I've also compiled a COMPREHENSIVE (yes, it needs caps) list of all 'useable' ships from my SFB material - no carriers, PFTs, scouts, escorts, troop ships, etc. starting from the base model and counting refits for the following modules: Basic, Advanced, C1-3, F1-2, R1-7/9-12, as well as the Frax 'Surface' Fleet, the Peladine playtest materials, and a bunch of free materials from the SFB/FC websites, totaling over 1000+ entries (I'm still working on Orion and WYN, as I have to review the rules on option mounts).

With Daniel's permission, I'm willing to post the data, containing the following: Hull, Engine, Screens, Engine Power Ratio (maybe?), Marines, Science, Cargo, Shuttle/Stingers, Tractor Beams, and Probes. This covers the stuff calculated for the conversion (ie. engines based on max power minus weapons) and only contains the final values, not the data that went into it. Everything else, you'll need the source material (no weapon listings, turn modes) and you'll have to build the sheets yourself.

There's fighters (Hydran Stingers) in Distant Armada. First off, there aren't any fighters (that I'm aware of) in Federation Commander, which is what the conversion is based off of. Second, the issue I see with SFU fighters in Starmada rules is that in SFB/FC terms they're really overpowered when compared to "stock" SFU fighters (your average fighter squadron is, really, just a mobile drone swarm platform), not to mention the numerous variations of fighters. A Starmada fighter flight rolls one die per fighter, where as a Stinger rolls multiple, and are tracked as individual units.

On that note, been mucking around with some home-ginned rules for the "missing" weapons, and will be interested in input (see my new thread).