Could you give me a few more details on how you are using this area range band system? Specifically:
1) can ships changes bands during a battle? if so, how do you determine how many bands they can move, is it based on ship speed at all?
2) can ships move into enemy bands during a battle?
3) for starmada, how would you factor in the fact that battery X can fire 18 hexes while battery Y might only fire 12? Maybe every 6 hexes of range equals one range band? ugh, i'm making it messy.

Regarding a Starmada version of this... I don't really see a sensible mathy way to do it for Starmada. Seems one would be better off taking the positional difference and just charting it like :
0 to 1 bands = -1 to hit
2 to 3 bands = 0 to hit
4 to 5 bands = +1 to hit

Knights of Camelot counter+area movement adventure game, by TSR I think. I've been pursuing this one on ebay but don't want to pay a mint for it because... I really don't remember why I liked it so much and thus don't know if I still will smile


(25 replies, posted in The Sovereign Stars)

cricket wrote:

Thought I'd share this; it's not done, as I haven't yet figured out the best way to denote the system values:


I'm not familiar with the original game... what is the relationship between this hex and the other hex graphic in this thread?

Very nice work btw.

Hey all... I'm new to Starmada, first time poster, yay!

Anyway, MOO2 was fantastic, loved it, too bad GalCiv hasn't measured up. As for a table top MOO2, great idea! I'd love to see what you have as far as the strategic game goes too.

Questions regarding your range bands... How exactly does the resulting range mod affect combat? Is this modifying your to-hit number? So at max range, Support to Support, you'd be at +5 to hit or something?

Sorry if that's a dumb question, I'm still reading the rules.