Could you give me a few more details on how you are using this area range band system? Specifically:
1) can ships changes bands during a battle? if so, how do you determine how many bands they can move, is it based on ship speed at all?
2) can ships move into enemy bands during a battle?
3) for starmada, how would you factor in the fact that battery X can fire 18 hexes while battery Y might only fire 12? Maybe every 6 hexes of range equals one range band? ugh, i'm making it messy.
Regarding a Starmada version of this... I don't really see a sensible mathy way to do it for Starmada. Seems one would be better off taking the positional difference and just charting it like :
0 to 1 bands = -1 to hit
2 to 3 bands = 0 to hit
4 to 5 bands = +1 to hit