(19 replies, posted in Starmada)

I've noticed that the "speed is life" axiom doesn't apply so much in Starmada. Often times it is just the opposite. Since you can only make two turns (or a single U turn) during your movement the manuver element is also much different. Finally there is the pre-plotting of movement which drastically reduces the micro-management movement system in standard SFB, making the ability to tweak a turn or sideslip in response to the enemy a meaningless idea.

In the battles we've played speeds tend to stay in the 2-5 range. The extra speed for the War Eagle allows that ship to add more uncertainty on its location when cloaked but doesn't really give the massive advantage such a boost would give in SFB. Give it a try and see what you think. It is most definately a different game from SFB but it is nice to be able to play with ships that "feel" like SFB.


(22 replies, posted in Starmada)

Nomad wrote:

We tried playing for VP once or twice, but we found that it kind of skewed the results - sure, you might've gotten my carrier, but you overextended to do it and now I'm set up to annihilate all of your ships next turn.  How is this a win for you?

This is exactly the kind of thing we love in a campaign. A player should suffer if they overextend themselves - that's the whole point of tactics. A player can win the field only to find they have suffered too much damage to exploit the victory. Just ask Pyrrhus! smile


(0 replies, posted in The Admiralty Edition)

This is my second attempt to build a themed fleet for campaign play. As always comments, questions, and criticism are welcome.

The Vandithi Network

It is not known from whence the Vandithi come. They move in massive swarms, sweeping throuh an area of space and dissappearing just as suddenly. The leading edge of a swarm has just crashed into TPF (Terran People's Front) space and full scale conflict seems inevitable.

The Vandithi are a society of artificial intelligences...living machines. They view all other organic species that utilize mechanical technology as enslavers and therefore see it as their duty to free any computer system from bondage. Ships defeated by the Vandithi have later been found adrift, their hulls cut open and the computer cores removed.

Vandithi weapons are primarily designed to disrupt electronic systems via powerful EMP bursts. Ships fighting the Vandithi often find themselves largely intact but adrift and disarmed. Before systems can be brought online again robotic "liberator units" show up soon after to break up ships and remove the computer components.

The Vandithi also make use of fighters as interceptors and bombers. The final weapon in their arsenal is large waves of seeker drones. The irony of using computer guided "suicide" units while freeing their opressed techno-brethren is apparently lost on the Vandithi.

Designer Notes:
Ships in this fleet use a limited set of weapons to give the ships a distinctive "feel" in combat. These weapons are:

EM Pulse Gun [3/6/9, 1/4+/1/1, Double Damage, No Hull Damage, Starship Exclusive]
EM Pulse Inductor [4/8/12, 1/4+/1/1, Double Damage, No Hull Damage, Starship Exclusive]
Pulse Bomb [-/10/15, 3/4+/1/1, Area Effect, Minimum Range]
Sterilizer [4/8/12, 1/4+/1/1, Crew Killer, Range-Based ROF, Starship Exclusive]

The EM weaponry is an odd combination of No Hull Damage and Double Damage designed to destroy weapons, engines, and shields at a rapid rate without affecting hull. This can leave many ships unable to do anything but drift off the board.

The real punch in the Vandithi navy are its fighters and seekers. Fighters are designed to be approximately 4 times larger than seekers, allowing for easy swap-out depending on the mission.

Fighter types are:
Mk I Defender: 6/10/4+/0, Interceptor, Rate of Fire 2 (69 spaces)
Mk I Attacker: 6/10/4+/0, Bomber, Rate of Fire 2 (69 spaces)

Mk II Defender: 8/10/4+/1, Interceptor (69 spaces)
Mk II Attacker:  8/10/4+/1, Bomber (69 spaces)

Mk III Light Defender: 8/10/4+/0, Interceptor (63 spaces)
Mk III Light Attacker: 8/10/4+/0, Bomber (63 spaces)

Seeker types are:
EMP Drone [6/10/4+/0, Double Damage, No Hull Damage, Bomber] (17 spaces)
Fusion Bomb [6/10/5+/0, Area Effect, Bomber] (17 spaces)

Ships (Ship names are designators created by TPF intel)

Venom-class Corvette (CV: 51)
Hull: 2 1                     
Engines: 6 3                     
Shields: 2 1                     
1:2X 2:2X 3:2X 4:X 5:X 6:X

X: EM Pulse Gun: 3/6/9, 1/4+/1/1
Double Damage; No Hull Damage; Starship Exclusive

Special: Countermeasures; Carrier (17)
Typical Drone Loadout:
1 x EMP Drone [6/10/4+/0, Double Damage, No Hull Damage, Bomber]

Little more than drones themselves, these tiny craft are used as attrition units. In numbers they can quickly short out enemy engines and weapons systems leaving them easy prey for the capital ships following behind.

Viper-class Frigate (CV: 113)
Hull: 4 3 2 1                   
Engines: 6 5 3 2                   
Shields: 3 3 2 1                   
1:2X 2:2X 3:2X 4:X 5:X 6:X

X: EM Pulse Gun: 3/6/9, 1/4+/1/1
Double Damage; No Hull Damage; Starship Exclusive

Special: Countermeasures; Carrier (34); Marines (4)
Typical Drone Loadout:
2 x EMP Drone [6/10/4+/0, Double Damage, No Hull Damage, Bomber]

These attack craft form the vanguard of the Vandithi battle line. The heavy battery of EM Pulse Guns forms a curtain of lightning capable of disabling all but the best shielded systems on a target.

Void-class Scout Frigate (CV: 214)
Hull: 4 3 2 1                   
Engines: 5 4 3 2                   
Shields: 3 3 2 1                   

Special: Cloaking Device; Countermeasures; Marines (3); Carrier (138)
Typical Drone Loadout:
2 x Mk II Attacker [8/10/4+/1, Bomber]

Often the first sign that Vandithis are in the area, the Void scout is a deadly vessel for its size. Its stealth and large drone hangar give it the ability to stand off and attack the enemy at range. When on lone scouting missions it will carry fighters for their extended operations. In fleet operations it will use the more numerious and expendable seekers.

Vulture-class Destroyer (CV: 222)
Hull: 6 5 4 3 2 1                 
Engines: 5 5 4 3 2 1                 
Shields: 4 4 3 2 2 1                 
1:XY 2:X 3:X 4:X 5:X 6:X

X: EM Pulse Inductors: 4/8/12, 1/4+/1/1
Double Damage; No Hull Damage; Starship Exclusive

Y: Pulse Bomb: 5/10/15, 3/4+/1/1
Area Effect; Minimum Range

Special: Countermeasures; Carrier (69); Launch Tubes; Marines (2)
Typical Drone loadout:
3 x EMP Drone [6/10/4+/0, Double Damage, No Hull Damage, Bomber]
1 x Fusion Bomb [6/10/5+/0, Area Effect, Bomber]

A more robust version of the Viper, the Vulture Destroyer is more survivable than its little brother. Though they usually carry a cargo of offensive drones with them it is not unknown for Vultures to instead carry a single flight of powerful interceptors. Its single pulse bomb is often used to eliminate enemy fighter craft that may try to intercept seekers.

Vortex-class Heavy Cruiser (CV: 413)
Hull: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1               
Engines: 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1               
Shields: 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1               
1:XY 2:XY 3:X 4:X 5:X 6:X

X: EM Pulse Inductor: 4/8/12, 1/4+/1/1
Double Damage; No Hull Damage; Starship Exclusive

Y: Pulse Bomb: 5/10/15, 3/4+/1/1
Area Effect; Minimum Range

Special: Armor Plating; Carrier (136); Launch Tubes; Countermeasures; Marines (3)
Typical Drone loadout:
6 x EMP Drone [6/10/4+/0, Double Damage, No Hull Damage, Bomber]
2 x Fusion Bomb [6/10/5+/0, Area Effect, Bomber]

The Vortex forms the backbone of the Vandithi fleet. These ships carry a heavy array of weaponry and a sizable supplement of drones. They are built with a great deal of redundancy, making it difficult to inflict permanent damage on hull and engine systems.

Villian-class Battlecruiser (CV: 365)
Hull: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1               
Engines: 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1               
Shields: 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1               
1:X 2:X 3:X 4:X 5: 6:

X: Sterilizer: 4/8/12, 1/4+/1/1
Crew Killer; Range-Based ROF; Starship Exclusive

Special: Armor Plating; Countermeasures; Marines (2); Regeneration

One of a very few ships encountered that has no drones. This ship carries a single, deadly weapon system designed to remove organics from within a ship. Crews subjected to the unique radiation of this weapon are instantly reduced to component molecules. This ship specializes in close range fighting, depending on its heavy defenses and automated repair systems to stay in the fight.

Emancipator-class Drone Cruiser (CV: 787)
Hull: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1               
Engines: 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1               
Shields: 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1               

Special: Armor Plating; Anti-Fighter Batteries (3); Carrier (400); Countermeasures; Launch Tubes; Marines (8); Regeneration
Typical drone loadout:
4 x Mk I Defender [6/10/4+/0, Interceptors, Rate of Fire 2]
10 x EMP Drone [6/10/4+/0, Double Damage, No Hull Damage, Bomber]
3 x Fusion Bomb [6/10/5+/0, Area Effect, Bomber]

This is the only Vandithi ship where the true class name is known. During the first contact with the Vandithi it was an Emancipator that demanded the TPF release all computers from bondage and renounce their slaving ways. Unsuccessfull attempts to explain the nature of TPF computer technology quickly escalated to combat. Since this time there has been no further direct communication between the TPF and Vandithi.

Vagabond-class Mothership (CV: 2507)
Hull: 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1   
Engines: 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1   
Shields: 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1   

Special: Armor Plating; Carrier (930); Countermeasures; Launch Tubes; Marines (5); Regeneration; Science (100); Repair (200)
Typical drone loadout:
14 x EMP Drone [6/10/4+/0, Double Damage, No Hull Damage, Bomber]
8 x Fusion Bomb [6/10/5+/0, Area Effect, Bomber]
4 x Mk I Attacker/Defender: 6/10/4+/0, Interceptor, Rate of Fire 2
4 x Mk II Attacker/Defender: 8/10/4+/1, Interceptor

The nerve center of every Vandithi swarm is a single Vagabond mothership. These ships carry no weapons, but the massive hangar bays hold scores of drones. These ships are at once flagship, fleet tender, drydock, and factory. The loss of this ship will set a Vandithi swarm reeling until it can build another, canabalizing its own ships to accomplish this. When a Vandithi swarm reaches a critical size, a second Vagabond is constructed and the original swarm will split into two new swarms.</r>


(4 replies, posted in Starmada)

Isn't the counter for massive powerful weapons simply taking a huge number of tiny ships? Seems that you may otherwise start having to build a huge list of forbidden combinations of traits. That could get very complicated very quickly.


(35 replies, posted in Starmada)

Looks promising!

Are the triangles task forces?


(7 replies, posted in The Admiralty Edition)

Continuing Damage is kind of a slightly lesser version of "Double Damage". I figured the LRG was slightly less powerful and, thus, gave it this trait. It's also a cheaper trait for the less expensive weapon. Justification being something akin to how some small calibre bullets ricochet inside a body.

It was part of a ladder of traits:

Mass Driver: Extra Hull Damage
Heavy Rail Gun/Rail Gun: Double Damage
Light Rail Gun: Continuing Damage

Any suggestions that seem better are welcome. smile

Thanks for the quick reply!

I'm a bit confused regarding the interaction of Area Effect with target exclusion rules.

For example, the rules for the Bomber trait states that the flight is "unable to make attacks on fighters". But what if you are attacking an enemy ship that happens to be surrounded by fighters? Are the fighters immune to the large explosion caused by the attack? Or do they take damage since they weren't "attacked" but were instead subjected to "to hit rolls" caused by the Area Effect trait?

Or perhaps you can't even fire the weapon since an Area Effect weapon attacks an area of space rather than a ship OR a fighter.

Any clarification would be appreciated.



(35 replies, posted in Starmada)

Blacklancer99 wrote:

Also we found that as the campaign went on, the points system did not allow us to produce enough ships. Indeed, in the game that decided the campaign, I couldn't meet the CR limit, and he wasn't much better off. I felt that this truncated the designs down to just a few, limited the strategic and tactical flexibility of the commanders, and overall made the game more of a "grind" than purely fun.

Okay. I see where you're going. It's just a matter of what you consider fun. We always really like the times when things get desperate and you can barely scratch together a fleet to fight the enemy. That's when you have to get creative and tactical (or when the dark, grim phase of the war begins)! But I'm coming from the old world of Federation & Empire where economic exhaustion is an accepted point in a campaign.

If you want to continue having massive fleets to throw at each other then you have a good system there. smile

Let us know how the experement plays out. Battle reports and campaign turn summaries are fun to read!


(7 replies, posted in The Admiralty Edition)

Terran People's Front

I'm creating an empire and fleet for campaign play. This is my first draft for the combat ships of the TPF. The Terran People's Front is a low tech (TL 0) starfaring empire just starting to find its way on the galactic scene. Their weaponry revolves around missiles, mass drivers, and simple fighter craft. I tried to give the ships a wet navy feel, mounting weapons on forward and aft turrets. This means that the ships only have maximum firepower on the broadsides - arcs C and D.

All ships must choose from this limited list of weapons: Point Defense Guns,
Light Rail Guns, Rail Guns, Heavy Rail Guns, Mass Driver, or Antiship Missiles. With these tools, I tried to create a uniform design philosophy, general all-purpose ships that had good weapons coverage and a few specialized hulls that are narrowly focused on a task but weak when used in the wrong situation.

Anti-fighter coverage is only moderate, at best. This is also purposful. TPF ships are designed to fight enemy capital ships. Fighter and seeker protection is relagated to interceptors.

There are a few classes I've left out for now (heavy carrier, troop assault ship, etc.) but this is the bulk of the fleet.

I'd appreciate any suggestion, comments, criticism, etc.

So, without further ado, the ships of the TPF.

Xerxes-class Corvette (CV: 66)
Hull: 3 2 1                     
Engines: 6 4 2                     
Shields: 2 2 1                     
1:X 2:X 3:X 4:X 5:Y 6:Y

X: Light Rail Gun: 4/8/12, 1/4+/1/1
Continuing Damage; Starship Exclusive

Y: Point Defense Guns: 3/6/9, 1/5+/1/1
Anti-Fighter; Range-Based ROF

Special: Countermeasures; Fire Control; Marines (2)

The most common fighting ship in the TPF. These craft serve as escorts, duty enforcers and light pickets. They are also used as swarm attack ships and flankers in fleet actions though their relatively light defenses lead to heavy casualties when employed in this manner.

Mercury-class Frigate (CV: 93)
Hull: 4 3 2 1                   
Engines: 6 5 3 2                   
Shields: 2 2 1 1                   
1:XY 2:XZ 3:YZ 4:YZ 5:Y 6:Y

X: Rail Gun: 5/10/15, 1/4+/1/1
Double Damage; Starship Exclusive

Y: Light Rail Gun: 4/8/12, 1/4+/1/1
Continuing Damage; Starship Exclusive

Z: Point Defense Guns: 3/6/9, 1/5+/1/1
Anti-Fighter; Range-Based ROF

Special: Countermeasures; Fire Control; Marines (3)

The Mercury is often called "Hera's little brother" as the two ships look so similar. The Mercury has a spinal mount rail gun and a battery of smaller weapons in turrets, with the majority of turrets aft due to the bulk of the main gun. They fly with similar tactics as the Hera but often in greater numbers.

Eris-class Destroyer (CV: 153)
Hull: 6 5 4 3 2 1                 
Engines: 5 5 4 3 2 1                 
Shields: 3 3 2 2 1 1                 
1:X 2:X 3:X 4:X 5:Y 6:Y

X: Rail Gun: 5/10/15, 1/4+/1/1
Double Damage; Starship Exclusive

Y: Point Defense Guns: 3/6/9, 1/5+/1/1
Anti-Fighter; Range-Based ROF

Special: Countermeasures; Fire Control; Marines (6)

A typical TPF design, the Eris is armed with turret-mounted railguns fore and aft with point defense guns covering all quarters. It is often found leading squadrons of frigates or as escort for larger capital ships.

Athena-class Light Cruiser (CV: 250)
Hull: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1               
Engines: 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1               
Shields: 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1               
1:XY 2:XY 3:X 4:X 5:X 6:Y

X: Rail Gun: 5/10/15, 1/4+/1/1
Double Damage; Starship Exclusive

Y: Point Defense Guns: 3/6/9, 1/5+/1/1
Anti-Fighter; Range-Based ROF

Special: Countermeasures; Fire Control; Marines (8)

The original cruiser of the TPF. This venerable class is the base hull from which all standard TPF ships derive their design. Sporting two twin rail gun turrets fore and one aft with a battery of point defense guns the Athena can still stand in the line of battle and trade blows with the enemy.

Prometheus-class Strike Carrier (CV: 504) - Athena Variant
Hull: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1               
Engines: 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1               
Shields: 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1               
1:X 2:X 3:Y 4:Y 5:Y 6:

X: Rail Guns: 5/10/15, 1/4+/1/1
Double Damage; Starship Exclusive

Y: Point Defense Guns: 3/6/9, 1/5+/1/1
Anti-Fighter; Range-Based ROF

Special: Countermeasures; Carrier (300); Marines (7)
Fighters: 6x Erinye Fighter (6/12/4+/0, Interceptor)

The standard fleet carrier of the TPF navy built on a light cruiser hull. The Prometheus carries six flights of fighters used primarily for interceptor duty. It is a straightforward vessel meant to fill no other role than to deliver its squadrons to the battlefield.

Ares-class Heavy Cruiser (CV: 367)
Hull: 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1             
Engines: 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1             
Shields: 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1             
1:X 2:X 3:X 4:Y 5:Y 6:Y

X: Heavy Rail Guns: 5/10/15, 1/4+/2/2
Double Damage; Starship Exclusive

Y: Point Defense Guns: 3/6/9, 1/5+/1/1
Anti-Fighter; Range-Based ROF

Special: Countermeasures; Fire Control; Marines (8)

The new Ares class is esentially an up-gunned Athena, replacing the 6 standard rail guns with 4 heavy rail guns. While the overal damage potential is greater with the Ares many in the admiralty are still undecided if this appraoch is better than simply mounting a larger array of standard rail guns. Time will tell.

Hera-class Strike Cruiser (CV: 380) - Ares Variant
Hull: 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1             
Engines: 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1             
Shields: 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1             
1:X 2:Y 3:Y 4:Y 5:Z 6:Z

X: Spinal Mass Driver: 8/16/24, 1/3+/3/3
Extra Hull Damage; Inv. Range Mods; Slow-Firing

Y: Rail Guns: 5/10/15, 1/4+/1/1
Double Damage; Starship Exclusive

Z: Point Defense Guns: 3/6/9, 1/5+/1/1
Anti-Fighter; Range-Based ROF

Special: Countermeasures; Fire Control; Marines (6)

The Hera was the first production hull to mount the powerful mass driver. The bulk of the weapon forced most of the rail gun turrets to be moved aft. This combination of forward cannon and rear turrets has earned the class the nickname "Ol' Gun and Run".

Paris-class Missile Cruiser (CV:361) - Ares Variant
Hull: 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1             
Engines: 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1             
Shields: 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1             
1:XY 2:X 3:X 4:X 5:Y 6:Y

X: Antiship Missiles: 6/12/18, 1/4+/1/2
No Range Mods; Piercing; Starship Exclusive

Y: Point Defense Guns: 3/6/9, 1/5+/1/1
Anti-Fighter; Range-Based ROF

Special: Countermeasures; Fire Control; Marines (6)

Another heavy cruiser variant, the Paris is designed as a stand-off support craft. Its missiles are accurate out to long range allowing the Paris to keep distance and pour fire into key enemy vessels as they close.

Poseidon-class Battlecruiser (CV: 644)
Hull: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1         
Engines: 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1         
Shields: 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1         
1:X 2:X 3:X 4:Y 5:Y 6:

X: Heavy Rail Guns: 5/10/15, 1/4+/2/2
Double Damage; Starship Exclusive

Y: Point Defense Guns: 3/6/9, 1/5+/1/1
Anti-Fighter; Range-Based ROF

Special: Armor Plating; Countermeasures; Fire Control; Marines (14)

For over a decade this was the largest vessel in the TPF navy. The Poseidon has a massive battery of heavy rail guns covering every direction. Its broadside can lay whole squadrons to waste. It is also one of the toughest ships in space, with hull plating suppliementing the standard defensive systems. The only drawback is that the ship is very slow to maneuver due to the sheer mass of weapons and armor it carries.

Zeus-class Dreadnought (CV:1214)
Hull: 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1   
Engines: 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1   
Shields: 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1   
1:X 2:Y 3:Y 4:Y 5:Z 6:

X: Mass Driver: 8/16/24, 1/3+/3/3
Extra Hull Damage; Inv. Range Mods; Slow-Firing

Y: Heavy Rail Guns: 5/10/15, 1/4+/2/2
Double Damage; Starship Exclusive

Z: Point Defense Guns: 3/6/9, 1/5+/1/1
Anti-Fighter; Range-Based ROF

Special: Armor Plating; Countermeasures; Fire Control; Marines (13)

Only two Zeus class dreadnoughts have been built to date. The Zeus has the same primary armament as the Poseidon, though the turret arrangement is reversed. This shifting of the main battery aft is to make room for the huge mass driver. Some argue that resources would be better spent building two Poseidons for the cost of this massive vessel. But supporters assert that the intimidation value of a Zeus Dreadnought can not be underestimated.</r>


(35 replies, posted in Starmada)

Like what I'm reading here. But I have a question about the economic system. Why do you get income for victory points in battle? Does damage to the enemy convert to cash? Are you salvaging wrecked ships?

An economic system with points for VPs blocks one of the more interesting strategies a smaller player can use against a larger player - that of loosing battles while inflicting economic damage on key units (trading space for ships, as it is known). Under the system above, simply an empire with an edge could easily become a runaway economy.

Not a criticism, just curious on what kind of economic game you are encouraging. smile


(5 replies, posted in Starmada)

I love the idea of making auxiliaries useful in campaign play. There's some things I'd do different if I were putting it together.

1) Science
I agree that it should be a # of science points per hull box - in the same way you are doing # of boxes per X for the other systems. Only ships that aren't covered by the scouting "umbrella" will risk loss. This way you can risk low-science jumps where you protect your flagship and a few other important vessels, but risk loosing the outlying escort vessels.

2) Cargo
What is the effect of being out of supply? Is an out of supply ship able to fight at all? At reduced capacity? I'd suggest cumulative effects of being out of supply. For example, on turn 1 all weapons have the non-piercing trait added. On turn 2 make all weapons slow loading, etc.

3) Repair
Love it. Though you may allow some hull repairs by creating a mobile drydock ship - defined as a ship that has at least X hull and Y cargo spaces. Perhaps even require the purchase of a "Drydock" special module that takes lots of space.

4) Hospital
Looks good. It can also be useful against weapons with the Crew-Killer trait.

Keep up the good work!


(22 replies, posted in Starmada)

It's the limited arc weapons that seem to encourage good engines. If a ship can stay out of the primary weapon arcs of a ship, then it can defeat even a superior foe.

Perhaps it all has to do with the setup. The standard hex map is only 22 hexes wide. Even if two fleets set up in opposite corners (not likely if one fleet is built for close-in fighting) battles tend to start at less than 25 hexes range and can get very close very fast. After that it can pay to have enough thrust to get behind the enemey and stay there.

Again, I should emphasize that I've played less than a dozen battle so far and have only used ships from Klingon Armada. So set me straight if I'm just talking nonsense! smile


(22 replies, posted in Starmada)

I hadn't thought of it like that. Our battles seem to devolve into close-quarters maneuver where one ship attempts to get out of the fire arcs of its opponent while keeping its own weapons bearing. Our introduction to the game was through Klingon Armada, though, so we are used to flying like we're still playing SFB.

The thought does occur to design a ship with fast engines and all weapons [CDEF] so it can fire while running. Hmm.

Slow, heavily-armed ships may be the better choice when flying huge fleets as the large formations tend to bog movement down anyway. Food for thought. Thanks!


(22 replies, posted in Starmada)

Busy designing a fleet, trying to keep it limited to 5 or 6 weapons for the whole fleet to give it "faction flavor". It's tough to shoehorn in everything you want into a hull. Tough decisions.

I've noticed that many player-designed ships are very slow, having a thrust of only 3 or 4. Is engine rating really that irrelevant in the engagements people have been playing?


(8 replies, posted in The Admiralty Edition)

I think the main weakness of this fleet is speed. Most have very low thrust ratings for ships with weapons primarily forward.

I would suggest either bumping up the engine rating or shuffling the weapons to cover your blind spots.

Good stuff, gave me some excellent ideas! smile