The Terran Federation Naval Reserve
The Terran Federation Naval Reserve is a separate component of the Terran Federation Armed forces (the others are The Terran Federation Navy and the Terran Federation Marine Corps). It's official purpose is to patrol the federation space, uphold tghe federation law in the federation controlled system, provide assistance to civialian authority and to support the regular Navy in case of National Emergency both as active duty force and as replecement/augmentation pool.
Unoficially it is also a way to restrict the navy political weight in peacetime while still providing a reasonable ceiling of ships.
Naval Reserve personnel come from sources indipendent from the navy and the majority of its ships are specially designed to meet its requirement.
Personnel serve on shorter stints than Navy one (albeit with accelerated promotions) and his ethnical balance tilt more toward Corporate worlda rather than Core and Border worlds who forms the backbone of the Navy. It's also more linked to political parties and promotions often are associated to wealth and political links rather than ability. A related problem is the greater turnover of ship crews and a lower combat efficency of its officer corp.
The ships are designed more for police and support duties than for battleline missions.
Still the organization as a whole is capable to fulfuill its constitutional tasks.
The ships:
Orion Cruiser
The Orion Mk I Patrol cruisers are the mainstay of the Naval Reserve. Designed to be long range patrol vessels and to perform a wide variety of duties under the naval reserve they are the newest vessesl to the Terran Federation equipped with the latest sensors, electronics and command and control facilities. In addition the carried a figter group composed of two VF (12 planes Fighter Squadron) and a 6 plane VS recon detachment (a sinlge VS control all the recon detchaments in a give sector fleet, making them in fact oversized wings).
The two main requirement of the design are a firepower superio to any pirate ship, endurance and exceptional speed (both maneuver and cruise). All these goal have been reached even if it sacrificing long range weaponry and shielding (Navy destroyers are better shielded than Orion class cruisers).
A secondary requirement is to serve a support ship for civilian emergency so there are included a oversized medical facility and scientific lab to assiste in relief or containment operations.
With such a combination of support facilities, armament and figther component they can operate as lone patrol/survey vessel, as flagships for escort group composed of lesser vessel (usually frigates) or as part of lager formations. Usually they are deployed in 6 vessels administrative grouping called Cruiser Division who are the mainstay of the sector fleet operated by the reserve.
THe cruiser Division rarely operate togheter normally sending 2-3 ships detachment supported by frigates on bigger operations and single ships in routine patrols inside fedeartion space. During emergencies the Orions can be attached to Regular Navy Task forces and Fleets and operate as part of the battleline.
Orion cruisers ar enamed after mythical and historical commanders.
Orion Mk I class Terran Federation Naval Reserve Heavy Patrol Cruiser (875)
Hull: 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Engines: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Shields: 3 2 1
[a] Particle Accelerators [4/8/12, 3+, 2/1/1]
[b] ER Particle Accelerators [5/10/15, 3+, 3/1/1, No Range Modifiers]
[c] Fusion Nuclear Missiles [5/10/15, 4+, 1/2/2, Variable DMG]
Hyperdrive [O], Armor Plating, Anti-Fighter Batteries [O], Science Lab x2, Spinal Mount (9/18/27) [O], Medical Bay, Electronic Countermeasures [O], Fighter Bay [OOOOO], Security Team [OOOOOOOOOO], Marine Squad [OOOOOOOO]
1[HQ], 2[EQ], 3[HQ], 4[Ea], 5[Hb], 6[Sc]
TL: E: 1 S: 1 W: 1 Q: 1
This ship design is based on the Cold Navy ship of the same navy, but is the first porting to a whole new universe that, while maintaining some resembalnce with the orginal, will sport many, many additions and modifications. Thus I am in debt to Mike Hardy for the initial idea.