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I'm having a starmada game twice a month at my gaming club in Lyon (france) if you're interested we can test the new edition.
Thank you John for the Monarch 's data !
I have a couple of these freighters and will have the possibility tu use it for the very first time!
I really like these miniatures and your paintjob is really very good.
I've read that you are using it with starmada, have you produced some data regarding these ships?
I've had a look on the cold navy site but wasn't able to find informations regarding the vessels, also if you have some info don't hesitate to share it.
Thank you it's perfect!
I'm new on the forum and also a new user of starmada. I will introduce it tonight in my local club (Trollune/Plan B at Lyon in France) and I'd like to use my fasa romulan miniatures. For this reason I'd like to know if anyone has already worked on the datafiles regarding these ships:
Bright one
Wing defender
Gracefull Flyer
and also the merchant vessel from fasa trek.
Thanks by advance for your kind help!
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