(1 replies, posted in Starmada)

Holy cow somebody local plays the game! Sure I'll play

Originally posted at Gateworld.net:

In a surprise move, Austrian video game publisher JoWooD Productions Software AG announced today that they have put the brakes on Stargate SG-1: The Alliance and terminated the company's relationship with developer Perception PTY Ltd. The company believes that the game as it is being developed will not meet the quality expectations of fans.

"The title in its current form, initially scheduled for an October 2005 release, does satisfy neither our quality requirements nor the fans expectations," JoWood CEO Albert Seidl said in a press release. "We will not release anything that does not do justice to this well known license. In recent months we have invested a lot of time and resources in helping Perception finish the development, but we now simply have lost confidence in their ability to finish this project in time and sufficient quality."

Following the termination JoWooD has asked for repayment of their investment in development and further expenses.

Stargate SG-1: The Alliance was to be released this fall for the PlayStation 2, XBox, and PC, and co-published in North America by Namco with a whopping $2 million marketing budget (story). JoWood hopes that the game may yet have life with a different developer.

The company claims that, according to its contract, it retains the rights to the title, and the company will seek a transfer of the game's source code and assets from Perception. "After delivery of the code and assets JoWooD will review the possibility of seeking out developers if it is economically viable to finish the title," said Michael Paeck, Executive Producer for JoWooD.

A legal battle may be on the horizon, leaving the future of the game's development -- if there is one -- uncertain. But the title certainly won't be hitting the shelves this year.

"We are not prepared to release anything but a top quality title," Paeck said. "Fans of the show as well as gamers would not accept anything less. There are several options to consider, among them potentially moving to next-gen consoles for the title."

The current generation of gaming consoles is nearing the end of its life-cycle, with the next generation XBox 360 due out before Christmas. The PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Revolution will follow next spring.

GateWorld is attempting to reach Perception for comment. More on the story as it develops.

(Thanks to Thor, Peter Vanek, BeyondUnreal, Boone, and QAPete for the tip)


(2 replies, posted in Starmada)

Hey all,

I am very pleased and releaved to announce that the Narn are finally done.  They were a troublesome lot. I am also releasing John Voysey's Hurr. I also edited the Cascor so they are easier to read.

In the works:
Me: Hyach and Yolu

John: Grome and Gaim

If anybody else wants in let me know please.




(8 replies, posted in Starmada)

Sorry for the late replies, but my computer  died later on after making my post and I just got it back from the shop. Don't worry, no file loss.

Don't worry Dan, after the first moment I looked at Starmada I fell in love and never looked back. Just a poor attempt at sarcasm. I'll keep going strong.

The Cascor are an AoG League race of fighter loving racoons that participated in the Dilgar war.

Hey John, I feel really bad about not answering your e-mails, I really do, but my new second job requires that I get permission before I can make personal international correspondance. No offence I hope. I am trying to check up on that. In the mean time, use PDS and carronades for Flak Cannons. Just be sure to label it Impeder PDS.



(8 replies, posted in Starmada)

Hey all,

I am pleased to announce that the Cascor is now available thanks to John Voysey efforts. Savor the moment and thank him.

Now as for the Narn, that is completely my fault as I am responsible for them. Basically, since April I have been working on getting a second job to get myself out of my economic rut so all my projects have seen no progress. I just really have not had the energy to work on them.

I am going to try to get the Narn done before the end of the month, as I have started them. Then the League will be the next priority. After all this is done, I going to do Trek and possibly Star Wars. Although, I am wondering if what take to do for SW. I currently have drawn up some design notes and guide lines based on the Saxton point of view which was adopted by SW: Incredible cross secttions which lends itself much better to Starmada, but ignores the dead WEG/WotC liscense. What do you guys think?

After SW, I'll probably do Stargate as I will have better info on the Daedalus and Prometheus by then.

Meanwhile I will also continue to work on an original setting based on Balance of Power with John Voysey's help and a Cold Navy setting. After which I don't know if I'll ever want to look at Starmada again. :shock:



trust you to be an original thinker Jerry

Thanks Jim! Much appreciated.

As far as the abruptness of the ending, yeah... it could have been smoothed over a bit. Basically, Spielberg did the first half of the book ("The Coming Of the Martians") and did very little from the second half ("Earth Under the Martians"). But that would have required a lot more scenes of relative inaction as Cruise et. al. wandered around looking at the destruction wrought by the aliens.

Ok, this explains a lot. IMO, Spielberg should have spent around 10 minutes to get this "Earth under the martians" feeling to sink in. The movie is only around 110 minutes as it is. Spielberg has the chops to keep it from getting slow.

And I LOVED the foghorn noises -- suitably alien and chilling.

Ok, I'll give you that Dan, suitably indeed.


I don't know, personally, the end of the movie felt abrupt to me. I personally feel like the first movie had a much smoother transition between darkest hour and resolution. I also missed the faith angle as well.
What was up with the fog horn noise? With that said, I really liked the rest. The energy beams were perfect.



(9 replies, posted in Starmada)

Personally, I think it is a crying shame that Starmada has not received more acclaim in the industry. From my stand point, starship combat games are not in style right now with table top gaming possibly suffering as a whole due to some of the stuff coming out on PC and so forth. Even so, Starmada seems to be the only Starship combat game (with Iron Stars next in line) that is truely thriving and moving forward.



(2 replies, posted in Starmada)

That is even better!


(3 replies, posted in Starmada)

This is Symon Cook's old idea that I routinely use:

Light fighter: Dies on an attack roll of 1 or 2 vs. other fighters or AFB. Multiplier 0.7
It takes 2 light fighters hits to do 1 die of ramming damage round down.
From Symon Cook. Do not combine with Heavy Fighter option.


(3 replies, posted in Starmada)

Alright, the lightly armed is exactly the same as my Obslete escort fighter that I have used for years and is on file with my B5 and SW conversions.

If we are going to submit new fighter abilities how about the stuff from my conversions with cost adjusted for X?

Stealth Fighters: Fighters with stealth generators. Multiplier 1.8

New fighter types:
The following cannot be combined with each other or with Bomber or Interceptor options.
Optimized Fighters: +1 to-hit fighters. Multiplier 1.4
Strike Fighters: +1 to-hit ships. Multiplier 1.4
Obslete Escort fighter: -1 to hit ships. Multiplier 0.7
Obslete Attack fighter: -1 to hit fighters. Multiplier 0.7


(2 replies, posted in Starmada)

I would like to submit Reinforced Engines as I have really wanted this for particularly large, slower ships so that 2-3 engine hits won't completely immobilize a Battleship. This has been a problem in some of my games.

Basically, a x1.5 Multiplier for DR and +50% space cost for the engines.
Fluff would talk about extra shielding, redundant back up systems, and improved reinforced alloys for the engine and reactor.



Oh and is Ignores PDS still 1.5 and can halves hull damage effect fighters?

Ok, well, if you have come to these conclusions after all this time then I'm not going to contest anything except Concentrated. I thought you gave it a thumbs down on your last post months ago as it completely undermines your damage allocation system. Mainly being that 2/3 of all system hits should be marked off before all hull hits are taken. Is there some new development?  Oh and what did you decide on how Flash effects multiple flights of fighters in the same hex?




(1 replies, posted in Starmada)

I have re-uploaded my old Balance of Power project for the compendium that I did about a year ago. The reason being there was a request for it. If anybody wants to take a look, by all means, you are welcome.



(26 replies, posted in Starmada)

I think I can basically see what Jimmy is saying. Basically, all repeating dice can only re-roll a miss -ONCE- and does not reset with a new hit. The point costs should balance it out if handled properly.

Personally, if this combination is really a problem then just ban it. There is plenty of precedence for banning certain combinations since custom weapons was originally conceived in XG-2. I don't think that there is a need to limit special abilities to only two. As for the other solution, I half wonder if certain combinations need increased cost over the product due to "gestalt" and synergy, but is that too much for this game engine? If push comes to shove, then ban it, but don't let it become a habit. IMO
