(2 replies, posted in Starmada)

1) What happens if you board a ship that doesn't have marines defending it but the number of marines is less than the hull boxes?


(2 replies, posted in Starmada)

Another question.  Do you have to give Seeker weapons firing arcs? Shouldn't they default to 360?  (Ejected from a bay , fire maneuvering thrusters for alignment , then light up main propulsion)


(1 replies, posted in Starmada)

The ship displays have two tracks for hull,engine, and weapons where there should be only a single track for each item.

Can anyone post an extention of the armor value table for Hull sizes 25 through 30?


(127 replies, posted in Starmada)

I dont think the drydock is costing SU for the "Escort" trait/system. Thought it was 2 x TF.

I think that the v 1.1 drydock (Nova) is not calculating the cost of the "Escort" system corectly.  Its supposed to be 2 x Thrust Factor, the app sets it smaller than this...(its SU 0.) Not sure how to contact the designer.