(2 replies, posted in Starmada)

They are? That's awesome! Hadn't thought of looking there as I usually use wargamevault.

Thanks smile


(2 replies, posted in Starmada)

Was looking around on Wargamevault just now for anything new in the Starmada line and I noticed that none of the Star Fleet Universe Starmada books are available in pdf, and also that Klingon Armada is out of print! Is that a deliberate decision or restriction from ADB? I buy all my Starmada books in pdf, and I'd love to get these too but right now it looks like hardcopy is the only option. Is this likely to change at all? Even if it was just Klingon Armada (since it's now unavailable) that would be a start.....



(30 replies, posted in News)

As a Starmada player AND an SFB/Federation Commander player, I'm *very* excited about this news - time to bust out those SFB minis I've had gathering dust for the last few years!