(4 replies, posted in Grand Fleets)

I'm having some difficulty with the Grand Fleet 2 to Grand Admiral conversion formulas and was hoping someone could point out what I'm doing wrong.

For this example I'm going to use the HMS Iron Duke.

BELT ARMOR FORMULA: (GF2 belt armor – 6) x 0.63, round to the nearest integer, then add 2.
GF2 belt armor = 13, so (13 - 6) x 0.63 = 4.41, round to the nearest integer which is 4, then add 2 equals 6.  The Grand Admiral armor rating is 7 so I'm 1 off.

SPEED FORMULA: (GF2 speed x 0.83), round to the nearest integer.
GF2 speed = 4, so (4 x 0.83) = 3.32, round to the nearest integer which is 3.  The Grand Admiral speed is 4, so I'm 1 off.

GUN DICE FORMULA: (GF2 ROF + 2) x (GF2 GUN DAMAGE) x (0.17 for turrets), round to the nearest integer.
13.5” gun data: GF2 ROF = 0, GF2 DAMAGE = 3, so (0 + 2) x (3) x 0.17 = 1.02, round to the nearest integer which is 1.  The Grand Admiral gun dice is 17 so I'm 16 off.

PENETRATION FORMULA:  This one is long so I'll just type it out as I go.
GF2 long range=12
GF2 short range=4
GF2 penetration short range=11
GF2 penetration long range=4
X = (2.96 / long range) = (2.96 / 12) = .24667
Y = (penetration short range / penetration long range) = ( 11 / 4) = 2.75
Z= Y raised to the power of X, (2.75)^(.24667) = 1.28342
GA penetration at range 1 = (GF penetration short range) x 0.63, round to the nearest integer.
GA penetration at range 1 = (11) x 0.63 = 6.93, round to the nearest integer which is 7.  This exactly matches the GA data sheet.  However, now let's look at the range 2 penetration.
GA penetration at range 2 = (GF penetration short range) x 0.63 x Z, round to the nearest integer.
GA penetration at range 2 = (11) x 0.63 x (1.28342) = 8.89, round to the nearest integer which is 9.  The GA value at range 2 is 6 so I'm 3 off.  It continues to get further off at longer ranges.

What am I doing wrong?


Would anyone be willing to collaborate on a campaign game system?  I have most of the concepts worked out, map, spaceship design guidelines, ground combat, fleet movement, etc.  I'm just looking for someone else to bounce ideas back and forth with, help finish writing the rules, and especially offering constructive criticism.  IF the system looks playable when we're done, we'd post it for free with both of our names listed as the authors.



(3 replies, posted in Starmada)

The drone rack in Klingon Armada is equivalent to "Carrier 12".  For those of us that have played Star Fleet Battles, we know that there are more than 1 type of drone.  So, if both players agree to this allow other drone types, here are some others they can select from.  Remember, the total Carrier Capacity = Drone Racks X 12.

Size 4, Speed 8, Attack 4+ (12 capacity)
Size 4, Speed 10, Attack 4+ (13 capacity)
Size 4, Speed 10, Attack 5+ (11 capacity)
Size 3, Speed 12, Attack 4+ (12 capacity)
Size 3, Speed 8, Attack 4+, Imp 2 (13 capacity)
Size 3, Speed 8, Attack 4+, Dmg 2 (13 capacity)
Size 3, Speed 8, Attack 3+ (11 capacity)
Size 2, Speed 12, Attack 4+, Dmg 2 (12 capacity)
Size 2, Speed 12, Attack 4+, Imp 2 (12 capacity)

Speed 8 is approximately "slow drones", speed 10 is "medium speed drones", and speed 12 are the "fast drones".  The Impact-2 and Damage-2 represent the double damage drones that take up twice as much room as regular drones.

I don't know how much this will impact the balance of K.A.  It's just a thought I had on my way home from work last night.


(1 replies, posted in Grand Fleets)

Daniel, Kevin,

I'm trying to decide if I want to spend the $ to get Grand Fleets II.  Will MJ12 be posting a partial PDF file of the rules so we can take a look at it prior to purchasing?



(2 replies, posted in Defiance)

The rules for KINETIC ENHANCEMENT, pages 89 and 90 say:

"KINETIC ENHANCEMENT: This augmentation must be purchased for an entire unit of infantry figures with the same frame. Each figure has its movement characteristic increased by 1 (e.g. MV 4 becomes MV 5). Sprint, Jump or Flight capabilities are unaffected."

It's the last sentence I want clarified.  Does this mean the unit still have it's Sprint, Jump, & Flight ability or does it mean the +1 movement doesn't get included when determining Sprint/Jump/Flight speeds?

For example, if I were to give this enhancement to a unit that has a movement characteristic of M6J, it's walk speed would be 7 (M6 +1) and run speed 14 [2 x (M6+1)].  Jump speed is normally x3 the base movement.  So, does the unit have a jump speed of 21 [3 x (M6+1)] or is the jump capability unaffected by this enhancement so it remains at 18 (M6 x 3)?


I saw the Organic/Biotech and Space Thugs army lists that Demian published.  It's close to what I want.  It's only the leaders and focal points that I'm considering tinkering with.  I just want to make sure I completely understand the rules before I do so.

My friend and myself are in the process of converting our 40K armies over to Defiance armies.  A couple things came up that I could use some advice on.

The Games Workshop 40K Tyranid army is a great fit for a Matrix style army.  The basic troopers (Termagaunts, Hormagaunts, Gargoyles) are all matrix units.  The Tyranid warriors and the Hive Tyrant are Focal Leaders.  My question is, how do I assign Tyranid warriors to lead Termagaunts?  I think the answer is to create Ad-Hoc units.  For example, combine a unit of 10 Termagaunts with another unit of 2 Tyranid warriors both of whom are Focal Leaders.  Is this correct?

In a non-matrix army, such as Orks, there is 1 overall Commander/Leader.  In this case he's called a Big Boss.  My plans for him are to create a unit with him as the only member and make him a level 1 or 2 commander.  This will gain me an extra activation card(s).  If another one of my units has several broken figures, can he join that unit to help with individual rally rolls?  This would mean 2 units have now joined together.

Continuing with the above situation.  Say the commander is allowed to join another unit.  When would the combined unit activate?  When the commander's unit card is drawn or the other unit's card?

Thank you to anyone who can offer up some help in these cases.



(3 replies, posted in Defiance)

I've been calculating some of the unit costs listed in the back of the Defiance: Vital Ground manual to make sure I'm calculating things correctly.  Here's something I need some help with.  Listed on page 182 is a Dragoon, powered infantry, size 3, damage capacity of 1, and costs 24 points.  What table was used to find the cost of the Dragoon?

Table 2.1 is for Standard Infantry (The Dragoon is Powered Infantry so this isn't the correct table)
Table 2.2 is for Powered Infantry size 1 or 2  (The Dragoon is size 3 so this isn't the correct table)
Table 2.3 is for Powered Infantry size 3 with damage capacity of 2 or 3 (The Dragoon's DC is 1 so this isn't the correct)
Table 2.4 is the HTH costs table
Table 2.5 is the Vehicle costs table



(11 replies, posted in Defiance)


Here's what started all this.  On the MJ12 website, Defiance page, there's a PDF file you can download called “Demo Army Lists.pdf”.   The 3rd army in that document is called Space Thugs which is another way of saying Orks.

I was making up some units the other night for the figures I already have and came up with this.

Basic Thug (Ork) Unit
405 points (10 figures x [17 per figure +20 per weapon] +35 level 1 leader)
Minimum Unit Size = 4 (5 for regular quality -1 for leader)

Mob Thug (Ork) Unit with Unit Banner
855 points ((20 figures x [17 per figure +20 per weapon] +35 level 1 leader +80 unit banner)
Minimum Unit Size = 3 (5 for regular quality – 2 for unit banner)

The only reason I took the leader in the mob unit was so I could take the unit banner.

Now, what's a better deal, 2 basic Ork units or 1 large Ork mob?

2 Basic Ork Units, 810 points, and combined the units can lose 12 figures before they have to start taking unit morale tests.  This assumes the leaders are still alive.

Mob Ork Unit, 855 points, and it can lose 17 figures before it has to start taking a unit morale test.  This assumes the banner bearer is still alive.  That's 5 more figures to lose for the price of about 1 extra figure.

The unit banner -2 minimum size modifier for mobs just seems like it makes difficult units even harder to break.  The mob without a banner already has more figures to lose than 2 basic units; this just allows mobs to lose even more.

However, upon further consideration I don't think I'll ever use a unit banner with a mob.  It's more cost effective to just purchase 20 Orks for 740 points and not include a leader or unit banner.  This unit can lose 15 figures before it has to start taking unit morale tests and costs 70 points less than the two basic Ork units which can only lose 12 figures.  The extra points can then be used to purchase support weapons instead which will put the basic units at an even bigger disadvantage.

Now that I see how expensive it is to purchase a leader & unit banner for a mob, I agree with the rules as written.  It should be -2 for a mob.  It's not normally a good points cost decision but if you want to do it the -2 at least makes it somewhat beneficial.



(11 replies, posted in Defiance)

Hello Kevin,

Here's my situation regarding unit banners and the mob rule.

Army Maximum Unit Size = 10
Mob rule allowing unit size to double is in effect

Base Unit
10 figures
Troop Quality=Regular
Minimum Unit Size=5
Minimum Unit Size with a unit banner=4

Mob Unit
20 figures
Troop Quality=Regular
Miniumum Unit Size=5
Minimum Unit Size with a unit banner=3

The unit banner helps out mob units more than non-mob units.  Why?

Is there some rational for this that's not obvious to me?  Or, when applying the mob rule doubling, should the minimum unit size also have been doubled?  Then, a doubled Unit Banner modifier for mobs would make more sense.



(11 replies, posted in Defiance)

The description for Unit Banner says, "While the banner bearer is alive, its unit's minimum unit size is decreased by 1 (2 if a mob)." Why is a mob's minimum unit size decreased by 2?  The mob formation rule doubles an Army's Maximum Unit Size but it doesn't say anything about doubling a unit's minimum size. 

Should a unit in mob formation have it's minimum size doubled?
Is the Unit Banner description regarding mobs incorrect and should be removed?
Is the Unit Banner description correct and the rational for the -2 minimum mob size isn't obvious to me?
