Topic: Need some help with a unit cost

I've been calculating some of the unit costs listed in the back of the Defiance: Vital Ground manual to make sure I'm calculating things correctly.  Here's something I need some help with.  Listed on page 182 is a Dragoon, powered infantry, size 3, damage capacity of 1, and costs 24 points.  What table was used to find the cost of the Dragoon?

Table 2.1 is for Standard Infantry (The Dragoon is Powered Infantry so this isn't the correct table)
Table 2.2 is for Powered Infantry size 1 or 2  (The Dragoon is size 3 so this isn't the correct table)
Table 2.3 is for Powered Infantry size 3 with damage capacity of 2 or 3 (The Dragoon's DC is 1 so this isn't the correct)
Table 2.4 is the HTH costs table
Table 2.5 is the Vehicle costs table


Re: Need some help with a unit cost

I'd say the Dragoon probably has 2 DC, so check the costs against that and assume a typo in the army list.

EDIT: checked that, no way it has 2 DC at 24 points. So my revised advice is that the Size has been arbitrarily bumped to 3 either by accident or to reflect the Dragoon being on a light "jet skiff".

My assumption has always been that Size has no points cost (it makes you slightly easier to shoot at) but this isn't explicitly stated in the builder rules AFAIK- although you can arbitrarily designate ALL frames as Sz 3 if you want (and this is both stated explicitly and done at no cost.)

Re: Need some help with a unit cost

smokingwreckage wrote:

My assumption has always been that Size has no points cost (it makes you slightly easier to shoot at) but this isn't explicitly stated in the builder rules AFAIK- although you can arbitrarily designate ALL frames as Sz 3 if you want (and this is both stated explicitly and done at no cost.)

You mean the "race of giants" rule? I admit I'm biased towards a certain interpretation since I believe I was the one who suggested it, but my idea of it is it simply means that if all your infantry frames are size 3 then there is no exclusive penalty associated with size 3 units. I don't think it's meant to say that you can generate from size 1/2 lists and then "cherrypick" the size to be 3.

So, since the Dragoon is obviously generatred from the size 2 list I think that the size is simply an error that has crept in along with the other "old army list" errors.

That said, since it's a flying unit the size issue in practice doesn't matter much one way or the other. The Dragoons aren't going to do a whole lot of climbing or hiding behind other units in any case.

Re: Need some help with a unit cost

Dragoon size is a typo.  It should be 2, not 3.