Topic: Need some help with a unit cost
I've been calculating some of the unit costs listed in the back of the Defiance: Vital Ground manual to make sure I'm calculating things correctly. Here's something I need some help with. Listed on page 182 is a Dragoon, powered infantry, size 3, damage capacity of 1, and costs 24 points. What table was used to find the cost of the Dragoon?
Table 2.1 is for Standard Infantry (The Dragoon is Powered Infantry so this isn't the correct table)
Table 2.2 is for Powered Infantry size 1 or 2 (The Dragoon is size 3 so this isn't the correct table)
Table 2.3 is for Powered Infantry size 3 with damage capacity of 2 or 3 (The Dragoon's DC is 1 so this isn't the correct)
Table 2.4 is the HTH costs table
Table 2.5 is the Vehicle costs table