Topic: alternate flying base approach for Aeronefs

I've had a few people ask how they might be able to base their aeronefs without drilling -- and it was a problem for me as well  because it was something I wanted to do and I couldn't think of a solution.

But  I've found a pretty nice alternative and wanted to offer it up.

Go to your local Wal-Mart (in the states), or a mom and pop hardware store if you don't feel like supporting an uber-conglomerate shopping outlet. 

Hit the automotive section and find some plastic "butting" fit for 14-16 gauge wire.  Basically it's a hard bit o' tubing the same length as the stems that come with your flying bases.  But it's thicker, meaning it has a wider flange/surface that you can use to secure to the bottom of the miniature itself.

Toss out that default stem that comes with the flying base, superglue or expoxy the tubing mentioned above to the hexgonal bit, then spraypaint the whole thing blue - the advantage here is that the tubing I bought comes in a perfect shade of blue already.

When it's dry, take an unpainted Aeronef and superglue the other end of that tubing to the bottom of its hull, centering the hole affair on that dimple in the metal that is meant to show you were to start drilling.

It WORKS!  It looks solid, and it isn't nearly as fidgety as the standard approach. You don't have to worry about breaking your mini, or spend time making sure the hole you've made mates with the nipple on the flying stem.  It took me less than a minute to superglue each piece of tubing to its base -- less than a minute to spraypaint 18 of these things and about a minute per miniature to get everything secured.  For that kind of time investment, you have to love anything that looks like it's on purpose  8)    8)    8)

It's stable (models as big as the Agincourt and small as the VA7 for me).  It's already blue.  It secures nicely to bottom of your mini.  And the best part is that instead of $40 on a drill and $25 on an a set of bits, you end up sending $3.95  big_smile

Now, it might look a little thick on your teeny, weeny escort nefs.  But if you do it right, it won't overlap the edges of even the smallest miniature's hull.

Happier than a pig in s--t about this.  Just wanted to offer it up, as the whole issue of having to drill was going to be a big turnoff for me.  But now I feel free to blow my money on Brigade miniatures and my friends here at the hobby shop just gave a big thumbs up after seeing my Markgraf class BB.

All done.  Sorry for the long post.