Topic: 50 6mm in one day :D

Know what rocks?  Airbrushes!!!

$20 investment at Wal-Mart, and I got a teeny airbrush kit that allowed me to prime, base coat and then finalize -- by hand -- my entire AMREP force from Brigade in a single night (it helped the girlfriend was sick and couldn't go out -- I got to be a geek without feeling like I had abandoned the other aspects o' my life).

Base coat dark tan -- with armor grey for the Kochte grav skirts, and steel plate for the baffles/grating on the back.  Hunter camo scheme with dark green on top of that and they look CHOICE  big_smile

IFVs same basic scheme, except there are shiny bits on the turrets done in gun metal.

And I have enough (or will) for an entire AMREP Brigade (of my making -- read "Mechanized Infantry Brigade")

Command Group
6 Boyd HQ APCs
3 Boyd MBTs  -- inbound

AA Platoon
3 Baumann AAs
1 Baumann HQ APC (I see this group being dispersed on a 1-1 basis among the other formations instead of being a dedicated unit)

Artillery Battery
3 Doherty SP Guns
1 Baumann HQ APC

Tank Platoon
12 Kochte MBTs
1 Baumann HQ APC

Two Mechanized Infantry Platoons, each with:
6 Baumann IFVs
1 Baumann HQ APC

Tank Destroyer Platoon
4 Boyd SP AT  -- inbound
1 Baumann HQ APC

Recon Platoon
6 Oldmann Recce Tanks
3 Oldmann Recce Tank (missile variants)
1 Baumann HQ APC

= 59 vehicles

& I  got 6 Dark Realms 6mm Piranha gunships to stand in as Martindale VTOLs and a bridgelaying tank.

Now to do my CDSU fellers  8)

Re: 50 6mm in one day :D

Stop teasing us and get your camera out - we want pictures !

Re: 50 6mm in one day :D

Also, what rules are you playing with (hypothetically if necessary)?

Re: 50 6mm in one day :D

For mass battles, we're playing Iron Cow 2103.  I really am hooked on that rule set.  Simple, but not overly so.  And the rules are clean enough that if you want to add some home guidelines of your own, it's really easy to make them mesh  8)   (IE -- I wrote up some rules for attacking static defenses).

For skirmish level stuff, I've been playtesting Todd's Wardogs rules -- and it's well suited to playing a smaller battle with no more than 12-20 vehicles a side, where as in Iron Cow the ideal game looks to involve about 40 or more per side

(although I think a full blown "Army" of several platoons would get a bit effort-intensive because you'd end up pushing 70+ around per side).

If I can get a decent digital, I'll send i pics.  I'm finalizing my CDSU guards unit.  I broke from the unofficial paint scheme with them.  A flat grey hull for the tanks, with gunmetal gun barrels, steel plating on that grating along the bank, and  black tiger striping for camo -- looks neat, especially when, because they're  a GUARDS unit and are dismissing the whole concept of hiding, they've painted their grav skirts solid red.  Nice revolutionary colors  lol

Re: 50 6mm in one day :D

Sounds sweet.   Love to see pictures.

Have you tried Assault Corps for large scale battles.  I'm sure justin would love the imput...


Re: 50 6mm in one day :D

I said "f--- it" and bought one of those disposable digital cameras from the local CVS Pharmacy this morning.  So sometime in the next few days I'll have some photos of my 6mm  stuff for folks to see  big_smile   .... look for it by Wednesday.

I HAVE to let you guys see the finished Giap anti-grav scout vehicles.  They're a little fiddly to assemble, but holy crap, does the finished product look nice.  I got it with the dark grey base, black camo pattern, with gunmetal weapon barrels and a "glass" cockpit higlighted in the same fashion as my Aeronef minis.  The elevated stand for the thing is tilted/slanted forward, which gives the impression of speed!  Nice. 

As for Assault Corps, I got the playtest pack because I figured it might be well suited for BIG battles, but haven't really read all the way through it, yet.

Re: 50 6mm in one day :D

themattcurtis wrote:

As for Assault Corps, I got the playtest pack because I figured it might be well suited for BIG battles, but haven't really read all the way through it, yet.

Thanks for the interest  Mat.

It depends on what you consider 'BIG'.

There is a perception among some people that AC is an 'epic' scale game, pitting battalions in a major conflict, where a tank model might represent a whole platoon of tanks, or the like.

In fact, AC is best used for simulation of 1 tactical level higher than a skirmish game, such as Defiance.

In that respect, it shares much of its intent with Wardogs.  Pretty much the exact same level in fact.

The difference comes in the fact that Wardogs uses a system to 'build' its warriors, assembling them with very specific components, for that added detail required by some people for big robots and the like.  It was originally intended for that genre of big robots vs big robots in a beer and pretzels type of game, though it has evolved to include a more comprehensive portfolio of futuristic war 'stuff' based on its specific setting.

In AC you determine the capabilities of your element, and then use the formula to see how much it's worth.

In Defiance its 'man vs man' combat, with vehicles there for support.

In AC its 'vehicle vs vehicle' with infantry squads there for support.

In Defiance, the vehicles are restricted in their movement due to the smaller battlefield, but infantry can move and use the details of terrain to best advantage.

In AC vehicles have the room to use their speed, maneuver and ranged weapons to best their opponents, whereas infantry are nearly immobile due to the larger battlefield scale without vehicular transport.

Try out AC using just a few armed hummers and a couple infantry squads, against a similar light force to see how well it can handle the 'small stuff'.

Larger games are just 'more of the same'.

The reason AC can handle games with dozens of elements on a side is because of the simplicity of the attack and damage system.


Re: 50 6mm in one day :D

Justin Crough wrote:
themattcurtis wrote:

As for Assault Corps, I got the playtest pack because I figured it might be well suited for BIG battles, but haven't really read all the way through it, yet.

In that respect, it shares much of its intent with Wardogs.  Pretty much the exact same level in fact.

The difference comes in the fact that Wardogs uses a system to 'build' its warriors, assembling them with very specific components, for that added detail required by some people for big robots and the like.  It was originally intended for that genre of big robots vs big robots in a beer and pretzels type of game, though it has evolved to include a more comprehensive portfolio of futuristic war 'stuff' based on its specific setting.


I'm going to add a little to this wink  Justin's right in that Wardogs was intended as a beer n pretzels type game and it has evolved somewhat due to a lot of input from folks on the forum...though while the intent was to allow a dozen or so units per side to run easily it was not, and isn't, a hardcore type wargame. 

AC (from what I've read through of Justin's rules) takes much more of the command, troop morale, and such into consideration than Wardogs ever will without being setting or scenario specific. (which to me is the difference between a hardcore wargame and a simple one. wink)

So what we haveis two really good games in development that provide a good coverage of the play level for gamers. big_smile   (Matt's not the only one using Brigade mini's for armored units either)

Re: 50 6mm in one day :D

Took pics of some of my minis last night.  Just gotta go to Wal-Mart and have them burn the images on to a CD so I can upload them.  I'm saving the other camera (had a pack of two disposables) to take pics so I can furnish a full AAR with text and images.

Re: 50 6mm in one day :D

go0gleplex wrote:

AC (from what I've read through of Justin's rules) takes much more of the command, troop morale, and such into consideration than Wardogs ever will without being setting or scenario specific. (which to me is the difference between a hardcore wargame and a simple one. wink)

For the record, the command and troop morale rules consist of rolling 2 dice for initiative.  One for the unit's commander, and one for the unit's morale/training level.

The highest rolling unit goes first.

Some units have a command/control/communications die which they can devote to any one unit on their side to add to that initiative roll.

I'm just trying to dispel some misconceptions people seem to have that AC is some kind of convoluted mysterious system. 

From my own observations, Wardogs seems to be the game with more  complex 'detail' and nitty gritty 'guts' to it...with lock on rolls and signatures and what-have-you.  That, to me, says hardcore wargaming.

lol.  To each their own.


Re: 50 6mm in one day :D

And neither game (Wardogs or Assault Corps) would fit my definition of an "epic" scale game.
Both, in my opinion, are skirmish scale games. And by that I mean 20 or so models (or stands) per player on the tabletop.
I'm still wanting MJ-12 to market an epic scale game that would allow me to field 50+ stands of infantry, vehicles, mechs, etc. per player and be a fast play game.
I'm envisioning multiple forces (battalions, platoons, whatever you want to call them, but typically consisting of numerous infantry stands, vehicles, and mechs per force) per player, with an activation by force mechanic.
That's a game that I believe there's a market for, and that MJ-12 has not tapped into yet.
PS: So I've started working on one...  big_smile

Re: 50 6mm in one day :D

To get back on topic...

I'm lookin forward to seein pics Matt. wink