Topic: Is this a teaser? Possibly...

Shlaher Class Strike Cruiser of the Towrenan Union   ( 434 )
Mass: 135.7 KmT, Crew: 429, TL:   E:0  W:0  D:0  Q:0
Hull: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Engines: 3 2 1
Defenses: K: 4 3 2 1 | E: 3 2 1 | B: 3 2 1
[a] Light Rail Cannon [4/8/12, 4+ 1/1/1, Kinetic, Extra Hull Damage, Re-Rolls Penetration Dice]
[b] Plasma Hammer [3/6/9, 5+ 2/2/2, Energy, Extra Hull Damage, Range-Based DMG]
[c] Particle Bolt [3/6/9, 3+3/1/1, Energy]
Hyperdrive [O], Electronic Countermeasures [O], Heavy Basing [OO]
1[Ha], 2[Eb], 3[Hc], 4[D], 5[H], 6[Q]

The Shlaher is a capable cruiser of the Towrenan Union, most typically seen in wolfpacks in fleets or as independent strike groups, trusting on their reasonable firepower and the use of fighters for anti-fighter work. The particle bolts are also useful in this role, but are typically employed by Towrenan captains as an anti-ship weapon.