Topic: Starmada Nova Starfleet battles Psuedo fighters

Hi  all,  I was wondering  if Psuedo fighters  will be  coming  into the Stararmada  nova  Starfleet Battles?
I been wanting to play anything  Starfleet battles in a very long time.  I am  in a gaming area  where mostly Ad&ders  play and  want to introduce them to the joys of blowing up spaceships.

Re: Starmada Nova Starfleet battles Psuedo fighters

You can make yours easily.
What I did for mine (I play with my own SFU/STU ships), is to use hull 3, no defense at all (ECM armor and shield), directionnal defense (to take their lower shield into account), enough FR heavy weapons that can be housed, and a very high speed (from 9 to ...12 or 13). It's in essence a gunboat.
