Topic: +3/4 shifts

If I am on the left most column and have a +1 then I go to the right number and double.
If I am on the left most column and have a +2 then I double the left most number.

It says that +2 is very rare. Maybe, maybe not, it seemed pretty common in our first game the other day?

What about +3. If I am diffuse at short range (+2) and through a weak side of directional defense (+1) I can get +3. If am using the sensor modes rules then that can get to +4 and +3 seems not so uncommon even without directional defense weakness.

Is there no bonus once you get to +2 over the left most column.

Re: +3/4 shifts

This would be my guess:
:idea: A +2 modifier gives you double the number of shots.
Let a +3 modifier give you triple the number of shots and
a +4 modifier will give you quadruple the # of shots.

Re: +3/4 shifts

Following the general pattern of +2 doubles your firepower (before rounding) I'd say if +3 and +4 continued to benefit you then:

+3 = back to the 2nd number and x4
+4 = stay on first number and x4.

Re: +3/4 shifts

For a +3 shift, multiply the number of dice in the SECOND box by 4.
For a +4 shift, multiply the number of dice in the FIRST box by 4.

For example, the Indomitable-class BB has lightning cannons with an attack dice string of 8-6-4-3-2-1-1-1-1. On a net +3 attack modifier, the number of dice rolled is 6x4=24. On a net +4, the number of dice is 8x4=32.

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games