Topic: GF3 - What's in the box?

We've seen some previews of ships from pre-WWI up to Fast Battleships.  There is talk of respectable air power too.  So what all is in the box in terms of ship stats and scenarios?  Are you providing enough to play some WWI and WWII - how many ships and will there be future supplements for more ships?  Are you providing rules to stat up ships not included like there was in GF2?


Re: GF3 - What's in the box?

Sorry for the delay, but I was traveling this past weekend.

The book contains rules covering naval combat during the period from (roughly) the Russo-Japanese War through World War II. This includes some abstracted rules for aircraft and submarines. While they have been written in a way that more detailed rules can be added via supplements if desired, I wanted to ensure the focus remains on surface combat.

I have six scenarios planned for the book: one RJW, two WW1, one between the wars, and two WW2. The included ships will be those required to play those six scenarios (Over 100 ships and 50 different classes).

Rules for "stat your own" ships are of course included.

I have not finalized plans for supplements; trying to decide what makes the most sense. There are a number of different approaches one can take.

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: GF3 - What's in the box?

You've shown previews of several ships. These were on very attractive color cards. Is this the format you will be sticking with for ship stats?

I just ask because I noticed the similarity with the ship cards for Starmada Nova.  On the Nova cards there are the same 3 groups of hull boxes.  However in Nova "Weapons" only have 5 boxes total - in the case of these ships there are more than five boxes.  Also noticed that the GF3 QRS seems to imply the same threshold damage tests as Nova - with there being damage to both "Speed" and "Weapons".  So I was expecting to see 5 boxes for both weapons and speed.

Anyway, still looking forward to this game.  I will be most interested to use it for both WWI and WWII battles, plus crank out ship data cards to my heart's content.
