Topic: GF3: King & Kaiser Update?

Hi All!

Newbie here, having just recently purchased GF3 via the Wargame Vault flash sale.

My interest is in WW1 and I noticed that the King & Kaiser expansion is for GF2.
Are there any plans to convert to GF3? Or a means of converting from GF2 to GF3?

I appreciate that GF3 includes all the equations to create ship stats from scratch, but i would rather someone else 'in the know' put the effort in!

I would like to run a North Sea campaign culminating in Jutland as a series of linked tabletop games over the anniversary, using 1/6000.

I have been enjoying Naval Thunder (mainly pre-Dread), but have the impression that GF3 offers a faster play game, ideal for larger engagements over one evening.


Re: GF3: King & Kaiser Update?

Yes. King and Kaiser is in the process of getting a GF3 update. Shouldn't be long now. (Famous last words. smile )

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: GF3: King & Kaiser Update?

Excellent! No rush, you have just over a year ... ;-)