Topic: Like a bad penny. I'm back.

Hey folks. I'm not dead (yet). Just been a bad couple years between merry-go-round jobs and having the ex run off with not one but three other guys...and resulting custody battle.  I know I haven't been around for a while and I will try to catch up with the forum stuff soon.

Re: Like a bad penny. I'm back.

Sorry about the run of bad luck, but nice to "see" you again!

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: Like a bad penny. I'm back.

Been doing a lot of ship miniature 3D modeling over the last year plus as well as finding I had cancer (which surgery and likely a bit of chemo after the last tumor removal will successfully nuke) in March.  Been focused on work and my kid without a lot of inspiration to do much writing or what. But lately...I've been getting another one of my may be something from that if I can get myself fired up to actually do it.  :roll: