Topic: Starmada Star Wars!

Hello all!  With all the hullabaloo around the most recent Star Wars movie, I figured it was time to give bringing the galaxy far, far away to the Starmada universe another shot.

I'm still plugging away at my Trek : TNG supplement, but this seemed more timely and was kinda fun.  It doesn't assume any special rules, but Combined/Split Bank Firing seems to make sense in this particular universe at the very least.  My main trouble was how to make fighters in Star Wars make sense - they punch way above their weight and are seemingly hard to destroy.  I hope to playtest these in a few weeks, but until then, what are your thoughts?

I present a few somewhat spiffed-up graphical presentations of Star Wars: Starmada Edition.

Re: Starmada Star Wars!

Here's another draft.  I'm starting to conceive of this Star Wars set as a quick, simple way to introduce people to Starmada - no special rules, twists, or modifications.  Few of the weapons use complex rules (just a few Piercing, Guided, and a couple of Seekers), and there will be relatively few ships in a fleet.

Fellow Admirals, here's what the Rebel draft looks like so far - do you think this would make a simple introduction to Starmada for people?  Do these ships capture the "Feel" of Star Wars to you?  What changes would you make?

Re: Starmada Star Wars!

Here are the Imperial ships!  Since my theme here is to use a limited number of weapons and special qualities to make the Star Wars ships an easy introduction to the Starmada system, it was a little tricky to make them distinct from the Rebel ships, but I think they'll play somewhat differently, especially because the fighters the two groups have access to are so different (and differently distributed).