Topic: An idea...

I have an idea for a revised edition of Iron Stars that would use largely the same mechanics, but be faster-playing, require little to no record-keeping, and include all of the necessary game components.

Would this be of interest to anyone?

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: An idea...

Count me as curious.
When you say all the necessary game components do you mean physical pieces or content?
Would there still be an included construction system?
Would "scale" be altered to make it faster playing, or would that be a function of the reduced record keeping?

Re: An idea...

I mean both content and physical materials.

Faster-playing would (presumably) be a function of the no record-keeping, but I don't know for sure until I get stuff on the table and roll some dice.

Yes, construction would still be a thing.

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: An idea...

Could be interesting.  :geek:

Re: An idea...

I'm always interested in Iron Stars...:)

Unfortunately, what with the newly-installed iron band around my wallet, I don't think I'd be able to get it...:(

Re: An idea...

This is a little belated, but I just saw this. I'd definitely be interested in such a thing, as I might actually be able to get people to play it with me if the need to do all the normal record keeping and set up stuff was minimized or removed.