Topic: Dry dock and OpenOffice/LibreOffice
Hi guys,
My spreadsheet skills are not great but I have been trying to get the Drydock to work on open office and found some success, well sort of. Libreoffice 5 rather than OpenOffice seems to work with a single small tweak. On the weapons sheet change the acc column format numbers to text and it all appears to work...ish.
I have tried a couple of ships from the rules and the crat seems out. The imperial concordat is 770 rather than 755. Probably a rounding error somewhere. On the ship sheet it is 769.
There obviously needs some more testing but with my poor spreadsheet skills I thought I would post my results so far and others might help some testing and post any changes from Dan's original needed.
It would help if we could have a working example in the drydock. Perhaps the good old Majestic could be added to show how. Dan?