Topic: Another issue with Drydock

Yesterday, while playing around with the Drydock--I mean, investigating potential avenues for a future SUE supplement--I discovered another issue with Drydock. Namely, the formulae for the Hyperdrive and Overthrusters are incorrect. It calculates it as 50% of the EngFac, when in fact it's 60%.

I'm putting this up in a separate thread as it is functionally different from the previous two pieces of errata. The first, the 'not displaying more than one/two types of munitions' was not too big a problem. Neither was the minor rounding error of the Ship3 DRat compared to Ship1, 2, 4 and 5. This, however, has major differences for larger ships. Not a problem if you design ships with P+P--then, you'll likely catch it. However, if you do the whole ship design process through the Drydock--as I did for Metal Health--there might be some issues...

I, of course, have those issues...

The below will also be posted in the Metal Health thread. It consists of a list of ships which are now overloaded. It will have the SUs they are over by and the percentage they are now overloaded by. Luckily, with the scope of the ships in Metal Health, none are more than 1% overloaded or more than 10SUs. However, my latest concept...well, let's just say almost 200SUs and leave it at that.

[attachment=0]List of Metal Health ships that are overloaded.png[/attachment]