Hello everyone,
I have just finished reading thru the New Starmada Admiralty rules and am very, very impressed with them. There are so many good things here, that I almost don't know where to start. I am pleased with the simplification of game play & the new Data Card, as well as the greater ranges weapons can have. Also, I like the elimination of some of the more abused things of Starmada X such as:
{TDAR, halves shields, Ignores shields&Ionic Shields, PDS, expendables, etc}.
Well done!
I may miss over-thrusters because my main warships are WW2 battleships, cruisers, destroyers, etc made into 14 to 4 hulled space ships. To compensate for no overthrusters, I have changed the arcs of the forward "FX" turrets from [ABCD] to [GHIJK], and the rear "AX" turrets from [CDEF] to [HIJKL]. this gives them 120 degrees of broadside fire instead of 60 degrees. Those designs with center turrets such as my Texas, Iron Duke, and Arkansas class 12 hull ships have these center turret's arcs changed from [CD] to {HIJK]. I think that with skillful maneuvering, I should be able to fire all heavy guns most of the time. Neither Admiral Jellico nor Admiral Scheer had overthrusters @ Jutland in 1916...<LOL>.
I have made each ships turrets in thi way: ROF=the number of barrels in the turret, IMP=1, DMG= 4 for 16"guns, 3 for 14"guns, 2 for 12' guns, and 1 for 8"guns. These main batteries also have "Piercing" as their Weapon option. The secondary 5", 4.5", 4", etc guns do not have any weapon ability and will be used to fire @ fighters, drones, etc. All battleships & Cruisers have Armor plating also...
I am having a great deal of fun designing these ships and look forward to using them.
Splendid ship design rules!
I also like the new movement rules. They seem fairly easy to use. It helps to not compare them to other movement systems, but to just use them. I especially like the idea of using "U-turns". Sometimes in Star Trek, the Enterprise would rapidly make a U-turn to get away, (such as in "Balance of Terror" when the CA Enterprise makes a U-Turn and goes to maximum warp to try and outrun a Romulan type "R" Plasma torpedo).
Excellent movement rules!
I look forward to playing Starmada, hopefully this Sunday, using this Awesome Admiralty Edition rules.
For me, these are now THE Starmada Rules
Steven Gilchrist, Jacksonville, Fla, USA