Topic: Argent Ex Machina

This is a quick Cluster-type supplement that I conceived while blowing off some excess creative steam after The Nine Benevolent Laws. It takes some of the concepts from TNBL and the Archaic-era supplement (namely the gunship concept) and the initial concept behind Silver Machine (that of a small-scale setting where each marine squad is actually a single marine) and combines them.

120 ships and bases, from the Interceptor Squadron up to the Strike Dreadnought-Cruiser. Two versions--one for standard size and one for printing-optimised (which reduces the document size from 72 to 32 pages). The standard document has the weapon list (mainly to bring it up to 72 pages) but otherwise are identical in information.

Re: Argent Ex Machina

Just a note:

For the BattleSats, the Long-Range Sensors is the Remote Control Unit

The Fire-Control on the BattleSat Control Base is the Remote Unit Controller